Sent via C=64 Mobile

> On May 8, 2014, at 2:13 PM, wrote:
> Hi! This is the ezmlm program. I'm managing the
> mailing list.
> I'm working for my owner, who can be reached
> at
> I respectfully request your permission to add
> to the subscribers of the texascavers mailing list. This request
> either came from you, or it has already been verified by
> the potential subscriber.
> To confirm, please send an empty reply to this address:
> Usually, this happens when you just hit the "reply" button.
> If this does not work, simply copy the address and paste it into
> the "To:" field of a new message.
> If you don't approve, simply ignore this message.
> Thank you for your help!
> --- Administrative commands for the texascavers list ---
> I can handle administrative requests automatically. Please
> do not send them to the list address! Instead, send
> your message to the correct command address:
> For help and a description of available commands, send a message to:
>   <>
> To subscribe to the list, send a message to:
>   <>
> To remove your address from the list, just send a message to
> the address in the ``List-Unsubscribe'' header of any list
> message. If you haven't changed addresses since subscribing,
> you can also send a message to:
>   <>
> For addition or removal of addresses, I'll send a confirmation
> message to that address. When you receive it, simply reply to it
> to complete the transaction.
> If you need to get in touch with the human owner of this list,
> please send a message to:
>    <>
> Please include a FORWARDED list message with ALL HEADERS intact
> to make it easier to help you.
> --- Enclosed is a copy of the request I received.
> Return-Path: <>
> Received: (qmail 18850 invoked by uid 89); 8 May 2014 20:13:33 -0000
> Received: from unknown (HELO 
> (
>  by with (DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA encrypted) SMTP; 8 May 2014 
> 20:13:33 -0000
> Received: from [] by with NNFMP; 
> 08 May 2014 20:13:32 -0000
> Received: from [] by with NNFMP; 
> 08 May 2014 20:13:32 -0000
> Received: from [] by with NNFMP; 08 May 
> 2014 20:13:32 -0000
> X-Yahoo-Newman-Property: ymail-3
> X-Yahoo-Newman-Id:
> Received: (qmail 61874 invoked by uid 60001); 8 May 2014 20:13:32 -0000
> DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed;; s=s1024; 
> t=1399580012; bh=pGpbu3WbGbkTbw7JaReyajP+hv49milrTYoyzmwUXsY=; 
> h=References:Message-ID:Date:From:Reply-To:Subject:To:In-Reply-To:MIME-Version:Content-Type;
> b=onYTXFPfFhsJccH5blzzOGNnnRjwOTpGUkBvkLoLQfOWHUR/Ntelj33z6V7qspbN2bFwHHNvN3ThkKOV47Mb6rCBZfVDOMkekBecBbZ+Z4Q1wsVk2lPtEjjLawmIi6wB6VJdNHIO0Go21jqb6dMWZg5VaoSF1d2d1ZCX2Cn9uTk=
> RuSgo3agau6lX1QM1R5dnmZQN_BBG0nYY1hinhzPoyI7vGSBSlXTzgBsDfYy
> 15GLZ6DzAsXBxAafLPbdLEcVw32ZYAjNHj2AtckSdt_Wye4CFvmIHvRc1ZDn
> kdgOzXzckmj5tqpskFxb8WoPmPaKNQcVSn8Gg.ZqjV_pzNdwfA9mvuJ9oUQU
> sCiqpYE2r8eO1AsyjcdCigeF4eiIYP2vLXk3J_oEn6yAL4Taa2.XOar5tQv0
> B4JXiTI34CPdEkAQAtWsLE_eCjScfQXlTLb9la979fhGP.MZjQ0MjuRMjVuu
> WxSZ2fD2p34JRPbkClsaHQXAO1TsAP73LiKiDiPdF6_Dtn0GRmh93YSUuQAv
> U9XM3I7hfs1znyxnIxS1PLDRd9wLMDGlRDIk4LjPuPK1beXfPMkF0BuB_5Zy
> bZdB5X_ZfF7rOb3Tw_FzFNchfr7Shqug0U9tow1_EYTJ48l6qJ.FknhAEfg9
> ryW6vqUlk7il2i8gSyu3kGqFxvnKdonnCbQ11mJqaenruSNzcKyk68D9ybFq
> NpAc1rVMlEkqVzv0uAo38FBuggYz872Cwc4YLKpxpo7wmIu0oSPL4K77jbnw
> C_KoK.gTonxWozN5xY6xdKu.xfF3VDbfuEDwvmaXzHV6FvZHQged2V08URwM
> nXMjK9vs.fmtWLrfIe29Ugs0eGuBjJbR1JAiUo6fCqPPQymxx4wc-
> Received: from [] by via HTTP; Thu, 
> 08 May 2014 13:13:32 PDT
> X-Rocket-MIMEInfo: 
> 002.001,CgpPbiBUaHVyc2RheSwgTWF5IDgsIDIwMTQgMzoxMCBQTSwgInRleGFzY2F2ZXJzLWhlbHBAdGV4YXNjYXZlcnMuY29tIiA8dGV4YXNjYXZlcnMtaGVscEB0ZXhhc2NhdmVycy5jb20.IHdyb3RlOgogCkhpISBUaGlzIGlzIHRoZSBlem1sbSBwcm9ncmFtLiBJJ20gbWFuYWdpbmcgdGhlCnRleGFzY2F2ZXJzQHRleGFzY2F2ZXJzLmNvbSBtYWlsaW5nIGxpc3QuCgpJJ20gd29ya2luZyBmb3IgbXkgb3duZXIsIHdobyBjYW4gYmUgcmVhY2hlZAphdCB0ZXhhc2NhdmVycy1vd25lckB0ZXhhc2NhdmVycy5jb20uCgoBMAEBAQE-
> X-Mailer: YahooMailWebService/
> References: <>
> Message-ID: <>
> Date: Thu, 8 May 2014 13:13:32 -0700 (PDT)
> From: Jim Wolff <>
> Reply-To: Jim Wolff <>
> Subject: Re: confirm subscribe to
> To: 
> ""
> <>
> In-Reply-To: <>
> MIME-Version: 1.0
> Content-Type: multipart/alternative; 
> boundary="-2114765872-1433325360-1399580012=:23703"
> ---2114765872-1433325360-1399580012=:23703
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> =0A=0AOn Thursday, May 8, 2014 3:10 PM, "" =
> <> wrote:=0A =0AHi! This is the ezmlm progr=
> am. I'm managing mailing list.=0A=0AI'm w=
> orking for my owner, who can be reached=0Aat texascavers-owner@texascavers.=
> com.=0A=0ATo confirm that you would like=0A=0A=A0
> =0Aadded to the texascavers mailing list, please send=0Aan empty reply to t=
> his address:=0A=0A=A0  texascavers-sc.1399579809.kkkedichnblfdeekfchd-jimwo=
>, this happens when you just =
> hit the "reply" button.=0AIf this does not work, simply copy the address an=
> d paste it into=0Athe "To:" field of a new message.=0A=0AThis confirmation =
> serves two purposes. First, it verifies that I am able=0Ato get mail throug=
> h to you. Second, it protects you in case someone=0Aforges a subscription r=
> equest in your name.=0A=0ASome mail programs are broken and cannot handle l=
> ong addresses. If you=0Acannot reply to this request, instead send a messag=
> e to=0A<> and put the=0Aentire address l=
> isted above into the "Subject:" line.=0A=0A=0A--- Administrative commands f=
> or the texascavers list ---=0A=0AI can handle administrative requests autom=
> atically. Please=0Ado not send them to the list address! Instead, send=0Ayo=
> ur message to the correct command address:=0A=0AFor help and a description =
> of available commands, send a message to:=0A=A0  <texascavers-help@texascav=
>>=0A=0ATo subscribe to the list, send a message to:=0A=A0  <texascav=
>>=0A=0ATo remove your address from the list, j=
> ust send a message to=0Athe address in the ``List-Unsubscribe'' header of a=
> ny list=0Amessage. If you haven't changed addresses since subscribing,=0Ayo=
> u can also send a message to:=0A=A0  <texascavers-unsubscribe@texascavers.c=
> om>=0A=0AFor addition or removal of addresses, I'll send a confirmation=0Am=
> essage to that address. When you receive it, simply reply to it=0Ato comple=
> te the transaction.=0A=0AIf you need to get in touch with the human owner o=
> f this list,=0Aplease send a message to:=0A=0A=A0 =A0 <texascavers-owner@te=
>>=0A=0APlease include a FORWARDED list message with ALL HEADER=
> S intact=0Ato make it easier to help you.=0A=0A--- Enclosed is a copy of th=
> e request I received.=0A=0AReturn-Path: <>=0AReceived: =
> (qmail 18618 invoked by uid 89); 8 May 2014 20:10:09 -0000=0AReceived: from=
> unknown (HELO ( by=
> with (DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA encrypted) SMTP; 8 May 2014 20:10=
> :09 -0000=0AReceived: from [] by
> m with NNFMP; 08 May 2014 20:10:08 -0000=0AReceived: from [] =
> by with NNFMP; 08 May 2014 20:10:08 -0000=0AR=
> eceived: from [] by with NNFMP; 08 May =
> 2014 20:10:08 -0000=0AX-Yahoo-Newman-Property: ymail-5=0AX-Yahoo-Newman-Id:=
> (qmail 31241 invoke=
> d by uid 60001); 8 May 2014 20:10:08 -0000=0ADKIM-Signature: v=3D1; a=3Drsa=
> -sha256; c=3Drelaxed/relaxed;; s=3Ds1024; t=3D1399579808; bh=
> =3D52XyqPucPbQVS6qxhAN6ytQxdN3ihlGRuy7LQ4e6Yts=3D; h=3DMessage-ID:Date:From=
> :Reply-To:Subject:To:MIME-Version:Content-Type; b=3D1eUHCSyyOCzgCuCZILe3O5P=
> EkAek/dHA4wy2l72EQ88sXpWruKV0z2hwKOvp+nOYOalIWeLWspOTIZ06Ng/SzsggWYnchcN8vd=
> W6ntWlxXO/g+lXU5gbvQ7oXbKazq5AdvL3PgLwgpna/Ey1Vhx8X1lF8fAjOfzZ24uUuDHVrN4=
> =3D=0AX-YMail-OSG: TBIPvssVM1k64Ujd8ouTEvHsOZQw8fTe6A1sumr.yy_cAde=0Aj2nw6N=
> 1UcVQJbxI3fJv4UIceUfkl0aL.4R6vrt6lIpBO6OjLNok3R7DQIiBx=0ArSVNhgvQHyozjkZLfh=
> 2sgL5wir.BN3hETJPce0pGEboAxd9ARS9oLoDAQlY6=0ADm0AYloKRvEeq6H58eReKVvsM10ePK=
> tP9LvsRpUrakrppQ31M0aPQ222uYQ0=0AbsyrT9.EQ59ZHV8_ez.2PpSy.lbYqsD6efs4zra4n5=
> UlQOKkg3jGJHJ18qwm=0AA95VX1Q9DPSQ6fx963t_.T0.PBpvwFIh5nNTvmxcWbypkBYH.I6HNT=
> H5K1ME=0Ao1vOh.owWZgZmFQ8XHBKG_r6NTv5XVJgtKQ8ZS7D0XzkRH_p5mwDjwOnga.B=0AEkD=
> zwAer7ncGfOjMQQcVWkfePjuKCsxROdgQPfDw57PD4_1BpFrx61LmNeU3=0AotD3Hj34c9aIIXJ=
> 3OuLSao8K6i4zUCnpz8X2J9Eu9d_gHkGqhEJL.w5DVp5a=0A05..0EKdDLPazOMWAr5Ez26H.FP=
> ZkY9L_IOy8Rn7Vp2L_eocRZsDcKNXK.A-=0A-=0AReceived: from [] by w=
> via HTTP; Thu, 08 May 2014 13:10:08 PDT=0AX-Roc=
> ket-MIMEInfo: 002.001,OykgSGVscCwgSSBnb25lIGRvd24gYSBob2xlIGFuZCBJIGRvbid0I=
> HdhbnQgdG8gY29tZSBvdXQhCgpKaW0gV29sZmYKVVQgR3JvdHRvCkF1c3RpbiwgVGV4YXMKCmpp=
> bXdvbGZmNTNAeWFob28uY29tATABAQEB=0AX-Mailer: YahooMailWebService/
> 3=0AMessage-ID: <
>> =0ADate: Thu, 8 May 2014 13:10:08 -0700 (PDT)=0AFrom: Jim Wolff <jimwolff5=
>>=0AReply-To: Jim Wolff <>=0ASubject: 
> Lookin=
> g for the Texas caver forum=0ATo: "" <=
>>=0AMIME-Version: 1.0=0AContent-Type: =
> multipart/alternative; boundary=3D"1036283588-531865705-1399579808=3D:71630=
> "=0A=0A--1036283588-531865705-1399579808=3D:71630=0AContent-Type: text/plai=
> n; charset=3Dus-ascii=0A=0A;) Help, I gone down a hole and I don't want to =
> come out!=0A=0AJim Wolff=0AUT Grotto=0AAustin, Texas=0A=0Ajimwolff53@yahoo.=
> com=0A--1036283588-531865705-1399579808=3D:71630=0AContent-Type: text/html;=
> charset=3Dus-ascii=0A=0A<html><body><div style=3D"color:#000; background-c=
> olor:#fff; font-family:HelveticaNeue, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, Luc=
> ida Grande, sans-serif;font-size:10pt"><div>;) Help, I gone down a hole and=
> I don't want to come out!</div><div><br></div><div style=3D"color: rgb(0, =
> 0, 0); font-size: 13px; font-family: HelveticaNeue, 'Helvetica Neue', Helve=
> tica, Arial, 'Lucida Grande', sans-serif; background-color: transparent; fo=
> nt-style: normal;">Jim Wolff</div><div style=3D"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-s=
> ize: 13px; font-family: HelveticaNeue, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, =
> 'Lucida Grande', sans-serif; background-color: transparent; font-style: nor=
> mal;">UT Grotto</div><div style=3D"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-size: 13px; fo=
> nt-family: HelveticaNeue, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, 'Lucida Grand=
> e', sans-serif; background-color: transparent; font-style: normal;">Austin,=
> Texas</div><div style=3D"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-size: 13px; font-family=
> : HelveticaNeue, 'Helvetica=0ANeue', Helvetica, Arial, 'Lucida Grande', san=
> s-serif; background-color: transparent; font-style: normal;"><br></div><div=
> style=3D"color: rgb(0, 0, 0); font-size: 13px; font-family: HelveticaNeue,=
> 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, 'Lucida Grande', sans-serif; backgroun=
> d-color: transparent; font-style: normal;"></div></div>=
> </body></html>=0A--1036283588-531865705-1399579808=3D:71630--
> ---2114765872-1433325360-1399580012=:23703
> Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
> Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable
> <html><body><div style=3D"color:#000; background-color:#fff; font-family:He=
> lveticaNeue, Helvetica Neue, Helvetica, Arial, Lucida Grande, sans-serif;fo=
> nt-size:10pt"><div><span></span></div><div class=3D"yahoo_quoted" style=3D"=
> display: block;"> <div style=3D"font-family: HelveticaNeue, 'Helvetica Neue=
> ', Helvetica, Arial, 'Lucida Grande', sans-serif; font-size: 10pt;"> <div s=
> tyle=3D"font-family: HelveticaNeue, 'Helvetica Neue', Helvetica, Arial, 'Lu=
> cida Grande', sans-serif; font-size: 12pt;"> <div dir=3D"ltr"> <font size=
> =3D"2" face=3D"Arial"> On Thursday, May 8, 2014 3:10 PM, "texascavers-help@=
>" &lt;; wrote:<br> </font=
>> </div>  <div class=3D"y_msg_container">Hi! This is the ezmlm program. I'm=
> managing the<br><a ymailto=3D""; href=3D"=
>";></a> mailing=
> list.<br><br>I'm working for my owner, who can be reached<br>at <a
> ymailto=3D""; href=3D"mailto:texas=
> r>To confirm that you would like<br><br>&nbsp;  <a ymailto=3D"mailto:jimwol=
>" href=3D"";></=
> a><br><br>added to the texascavers mailing list, please send<br>an empty re=
> ply to this address:<br><br>&nbsp;  texascavers-sc.1399579809.kkkedichnblfd=
> eekfchd-jimwolff53=3D<a ymailto=3D""; href=
> =3D"";></a><br><br>=
> Usually, this happens when you just hit the "reply" button.<br>If this does=
> not work, simply copy the address and paste it into<br>the "To:" field of =
> a new message.<br><br>This confirmation serves two purposes. First, it veri=
> fies that I am able<br>to get mail through to you. Second, it protects you =
> in case someone<br>forges a subscription request in your name.<br><br>Some =
> mail
> programs are broken and cannot handle long addresses. If you<br>cannot rep=
> ly to this request, instead send a message to<br>&lt;<a ymailto=3D"mailto:t=
>" href=3D"mailto:texascavers-request@texa=
>"></a>&gt; and put the<br>ent=
> ire address listed above into the "Subject:" line.<br><br><br>--- Administr=
> ative commands for the texascavers list ---<br><br>I can handle administrat=
> ive requests automatically. Please<br>do not send them to the list address!=
> Instead, send<br>your message to the correct command address:<br><br>For h=
> elp and a description of available commands, send a message to:<br>&nbsp;  =
> &lt;<a ymailto=3D""; href=3D"mailto:t=
> r><br>To subscribe to the list, send a message to:<br>&nbsp;  &lt;<a ymailt=
> o=3D"";
> href=3D"";>texascavers-subscrib=
></a>&gt;<br><br>To remove your address from the list, 
> just=
> send a message to<br>the address in the ``List-Unsubscribe'' header of any=
> list<br>message. If you haven't changed addresses since subscribing,<br>yo=
> u can also send a message to:<br>&nbsp;  &lt;<a ymailto=3D"mailto:texascave=
>" href=3D"mailto:texascavers-unsubscribe@texa=
>"></a>&gt;<br><br>For add=
> ition or removal of addresses, I'll send a confirmation<br>message to that =
> address. When you receive it, simply reply to it<br>to complete the transac=
> tion.<br><br>If you need to get in touch with the human owner of this list,=
> <br>please send a message to:<br><br>&nbsp; &nbsp; &lt;<a ymailto=3D"mailto=
>" href=3D"mailto:texascavers-owner@texasc=
>"></a>&gt;<br><br>Please include =
> a
> FORWARDED list message with ALL HEADERS intact<br>to make it easier to hel=
> p you.<br><br>--- Enclosed is a copy of the request I received.<br><br>Retu=
> rn-Path: &lt;<a ymailto=3D""; href=3D"mailto:jimw=
>"></a>&gt;<br>Received: (qmail 18618 in=
> voked by uid 89); 8 May 2014 20:10:09 -0000<br>Received: from unknown (HELO=
> (<br>&nbsp; by gnome.wok=
> with (DHE-RSA-AES256-SHA encrypted) SMTP; 8 May 2014 20:10:09 -0000<=
> br>Received: from [] by with NN=
> FMP; 08 May 2014 20:10:08 -0000<br>Received: from [] by tm7.b=
> with NNFMP; 08 May 2014 20:10:08 -0000<br>Received=
> : from [] by with NNFMP; 08 May 2014 20=
> :10:08 -0000<br>X-Yahoo-Newman-Property: ymail-5<br>X-Yahoo-Newman-Id: <a y=
> mailto=3D"";
> href=3D"";>
></a><br>Received: (qmail 31241 invoked by uid 60=
> 001); 8 May 2014 20:10:08 -0000<br>DKIM-Signature: v=3D1; a=3Drsa-sha256; c=
> =3Drelaxed/relaxed;; s=3Ds1024; t=3D1399579808; bh=3D52XyqPuc=
> PbQVS6qxhAN6ytQxdN3ihlGRuy7LQ4e6Yts=3D; h=3DMessage-ID:Date:From:Reply-To:S=
> ubject:To:MIME-Version:Content-Type; b=3D1eUHCSyyOCzgCuCZILe3O5PEkAek/dHA4w=
> y2l72EQ88sXpWruKV0z2hwKOvp+nOYOalIWeLWspOTIZ06Ng/SzsggWYnchcN8vdW6ntWlxXO/g=
> +lXU5gbvQ7oXbKazq5AdvL3PgLwgpna/Ey1Vhx8X1lF8fAjOfzZ24uUuDHVrN4=3D<br>X-YMai=
> l-OSG: TBIPvssVM1k64Ujd8ouTEvHsOZQw8fTe6A1sumr.yy_cAde<br> j2nw6N1UcVQJbxI3=
> fJv4UIceUfkl0aL.4R6vrt6lIpBO6OjLNok3R7DQIiBx<br> rSVNhgvQHyozjkZLfh2sgL5wir=
> .BN3hETJPce0pGEboAxd9ARS9oLoDAQlY6<br> Dm0AYloKRvEeq6H58eReKVvsM10ePKtP9Lvs=
> RpUrakrppQ31M0aPQ222uYQ0<br> bsyrT9.EQ59ZHV8_ez.2PpSy.lbYqsD6efs4zra4n5UlQO=
> Kkg3jGJHJ18qwm<br> A95VX1Q9DPSQ6fx963t_.T0.PBpvwFIh5nNTvmxcWbypkBYH.I6HNTH5=
> K1ME<br>
> o1vOh.owWZgZmFQ8XHBKG_r6NTv5XVJgtKQ8ZS7D0XzkRH_p5mwDjwOnga.B<br> EkDzwAer7=
> ncGfOjMQQcVWkfePjuKCsxROdgQPfDw57PD4_1BpFrx61LmNeU3<br> otD3Hj34c9aIIXJ3OuL=
> Sao8K6i4zUCnpz8X2J9Eu9d_gHkGqhEJL.w5DVp5a<br> 05..0EKdDLPazOMWAr5Ez26H.FPZk=
> Y9L_IOy8Rn7Vp2L_eocRZsDcKNXK.A-<br> -<br>Received: from [] by =
> via HTTP; Thu, 08 May 2014 13:10:08 PDT<br>X-R=
> ocket-MIMEInfo: 002.001,OykgSGVscCwgSSBnb25lIGRvd24gYSBob2xlIGFuZCBJIGRvbid=
> 0IHdhbnQgdG8gY29tZSBvdXQhCgpKaW0gV29sZmYKVVQgR3JvdHRvCkF1c3RpbiwgVGV4YXMKCm=
> ppbXdvbGZmNTNAeWFob28uY29tATABAQEB<br>X-Mailer: YahooMailWebService/0.8.188=
> .663<br>Message-ID: &lt;<a ymailto=3D"mailto:1399579808.71630.YahooMailNeo@=
>" href=3D"mailto:1399579808.71630.YahooMailNeo@=
></a>&gt;<br>Date: Thu, 8 May 2014 13:10:08 -0700 (PDT)<br>From=
> : Jim Wolff &lt;<a ymailto=3D"";
> href=3D"";></a>&gt;<br>Reply=
> -To: Jim Wolff &lt;<a ymailto=3D""; href=3D"mailt=
>"></a>&gt;<br>Subject: Looking fo=
> r the Texas caver forum<br>To: "<a ymailto=3D"mailto:texascavers-subscribe@=
>" href=3D"";>texa=
></a>" &lt;<a ymailto=3D"mailto:texascavers=
>" href=3D"mailto:texascavers-subscribe@texascaver=
>"></a>&gt;<br>MIME-Version: 1.0<b=
> r>Content-Type: multipart/alternative; boundary=3D"1036283588-531865705-139=
> 9579808=3D:71630"<br><br>--1036283588-531865705-1399579808=3D:71630<br>Cont=
> ent-Type: text/plain; charset=3Dus-ascii<br><br>;) Help, I gone down a hole=
> and I don't want to come out!<br><br>Jim Wolff<br>UT Grotto<br>Austin, Tex=
> as<br><br><a ymailto=3D"";
> href=3D"";></a><br>--1036283=
> 588-531865705-1399579808=3D:71630<br>Content-Type: text/html; charset=3Dus-=
> ascii<br><br>&lt;html&gt;&lt;body&gt;&lt;div style=3D"color:#000; backgroun=
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