Comcast has bounced me off. Since I no longer get posts from Texas Cavers, I am 
posting this in the blind. Could the administrator contact me off list and 
advise if I have done the correct thing to get restablished? 

I am sure others have been caught by this. 

It also affected the SWR Caver.Net remailer. 

Steve Ball (SWR) wrote on 6/9/2014: 

A couple of the big email sites (hotmail, aol, comcast) have begun to get a 
little more strict on who they accept mail from, and unfortunately today, the 
server that sends you the lists found itself whacked by their checks. 
I've made some updates that should resolve things, and will be monitoring the 
situation in case it doesn't. So don't panic if you receive an email suggesting 
your subscription is disabled! 

Bill Bentley just wrote: 

I went in and reinstated everyone who had been disabled, I can not 
however re subscribe anyone who was automatically unsubscribed. 

I am assuming that I was not yet unsubscribed automatically from SWR, but it 
appears that I was from Texas Cavers. I will wait to see if I get more posts 
from SWR and will go back in and try to re-subscribe to Texas cavers. 


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