First off, my apologies to those of you who are getting messages about
bounced messages and possible removal from the list.

I don't do this for a living, meaning, I don't take care of email servers,
my job is networking and telephony, but I do this for a hobby, started off
just buying my own domain and learning how to host my own email.  Long
story short, I'm learning as I go and adapting to industry changes.

Yahoo, AOL, Hotmail and the other big name email providers keep making
changes, and some of these changes think that our email is spam.

That's why I've made some behind the scenes changes, and some you've
noticed, like the reply-to and how the list displays.  It's a necessary
evil, but needed.

I had an error in my records that I found this morning, and while it may
take a few days to get the system flushed out of existing email through the
big providers, I'm hoping I've licked the problem and things will go
smoother now.

If you see any error messages, bounce notifications, etc, please forward
them to me.

As I said in another message, but just to clarify, we now allow larger
attachments to the mailing list.  I don't think we have anyone left on
dial-up anymore, but please don't abuse it, if I get too many complaints,
I'll have to lower the size allowed.

As always, let me know if you have any questions, comments or concerns
texascavers mailing list admin

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