Hello Texas Cavers!

I am about to put out a call shortly for TSA convention speakers, but since
this listserv turned into "MalloryTex" temporarily for a couple of months
there last summer, I just wanted to kind of address my situation and get it
out of the way first. :)

THANK YOU ALL SOOOOO MUCH! For everything--all your caring, your support,
your interest, your patience, all the gifts/donations I recieved from
grottos and cavers in this state. I cried a lot of sad/confused tears in
the hospital, but a lot of happy tears after I saw the outpouring of
support this community sent my way.  SO cool.

It's been a rough, messy year, and there's a lot still to come. For
example, the guy who hit me hasn't been convicted yet (due to endless court
resets), and there will be several court dates coming up in the coming
months, perhaps years, and for that reason I really don't want to put much
about the details of my recovery on a public listserv.   However, when this
whole situation is resolved, rest assured I will shout the happy events
from the rooftops. Or maybe the top of some rope, in a pit. :) Regarding
caving, it'll be some time before I'm in the shape I used to be in, but I
am in a program called "Strength Unlimited" to try to work on some of the
physical damage from the incident, and I'm pleased with it so far. The
prognosis is WAYYYY more positive than it was last summer. :) I graduated
rehab Dec. 19th, so I do have some physical therapy/emotional therapy to
continue with, but the worst/biggest part is over. I hope to see many of
you at the TSA convention this spring. Besides being thrilled to actually
be able to make it, I'm especially excited for this convention because Rex,
my partner in survival, will be attending! This will be his first caving
gathering of any sort, and he's looking forward to seeing what I've been
rambling on about for months. So please volunteer to speak if you've got
cool content! I can guarantee at least two appreciative spectators. :)

Often, I feel a lot like a boxer after they just got
suckerpunched...confused, reeling, but ultimately just trying to get back
on my feet and soldier on. And I want to thank all of y'all for helping me
make that happen, and for reminding me who I was, and still am.

Cavingly Yours,

Mallory Mayeux
GHG Chair

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