Howdy Yall,

For those not in the loop- the keystone pipeline is in it's last 90-day
window before final approval is given, the administration has opened this
window to allow the public to voice it's opinion before a final decision is

The environmental impact report which was published by the state department
(that claims there will not be any environmental impact) was contracted out
to Environmental Resources Management, a company which receives direct
funding from TransCanada, the builder of the pipeline. Their own website
states that ERM receives "a substantial portion of our annual revenue comes
from projects with mining, oil and gas, and other energy companies."

In addition to this blatant conflict of interest, there is a large amount
of data which shows that there will be significant environmental damage
from the pipeline. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change has
produced numerous studies backing this up, as have a plethora of other

I know a great many of you cavers hold strong opinions about the
environment, and the damage and eventual climate change exacerbation that
will come from the pipeline will effect us all (and the ecosystems we love
to explore).

I invite you to pledge to protest this, you can follow the link below to
receive more information about protests and the organizing groups around
austin that will host the protests over the next few months.

"I pledge, if necessary, to join others in my community, and engage in acts
of dignified, peaceful civil disobedience that could result in my arrest in
order to send the message to President Obama and his administration that
they must reject the Keystone XL pipeline."

Scott Grimes
UT Grotto / Old Ass

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