Mars has rocks too, and I feel certain there must be a hole there somewhere 
 even if it isn't in limestone.
As to keeping it to caving, what a joke! For the last year or so all I have 
 read on this list is a litany of age related woes, various personal 
disasters,  and daily updates concerning a man made hole in the ground. As for 
news from  Mexico, which is the main reason I joined this list, it might as 
well be  located on Mars!
As soon as anyone posts anything strange, interesting, or controversial  
some politically correct scold will sternly remind us to keep on topic. How  
excruciatingly boring!
This creeping conservatism may be the inevitable consequence not just of  
the aging of individuals but of the activity as a whole; nevertheless, I, for 
 one, do not intend to go gently into that good night. If you can't post an 
 entertaining and well written account of an actual caving trip then at 
least  tell a few bad jokes, issue some obscenities, give us some tips on 
trespassing,  rant about some politics, or (my favorite) insult the beliefs of 
few million  idiots. Then, to keep on topic, use some convoluted logic to 
tie it back into  caving. That is the nice thing about caving, it is a huge 
hole into which you  can dump an unlimited amount of shit. So lighten up! 
Now for the real problem. Today, this very, day is the culmination of the  
very best part of caving, which is to say the Old Timers Reunion and I'm not 
 there. I'm not talking about that silly little homo goat roping y'all 
Texicans  hold, I'm talking about the real thing in WestbyGawdVirginia! Ann 
broke her foot  so we decided not to go since she might be tempted to dance. It 
is a tragedy! 
PS: And David, please keep sending your missives from the Red Planet, I  
find them to be at least mildly entertaining even if not comprehensible. If  
nothing else the caving community serves as a home for wayward weirdos so we  
both fit right in!

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