I have nothing but respect for someone who has the mental and physical
fortitude to do something like that.


From: Logan McNatt [mailto:lmcn...@austin.rr.com] 
Sent: Friday, September 13, 2013 5:42 PM
To: Frank Binney
Cc: Texas Cavers
Subject: Re: [Texascavers] Solo caving in Castleguard: Mike Boon's epic trip

Mike Boon's epic 10 day solo trip is a must read. It included 2 days
traversing a glacier with deep crevasses, and 8 days in a very challenging,
cold cave with about 1,000 ft of vertical extent.  He went almost 6 miles to
the back of the cave and bolted/free-climbed up a 30 ft lead to explore
virgin passage that ended in an ice plug. The trip created great controversy
among the international community of cavers.

Inside Earth was a very creative, high quality caving magazine, but only
four issues were published.  One rumor is that the editor, Cave Carson, is
living as a recluse in California, wanted by authorities in Buda, Texas for
subversive activities, including disturbing the peace. He is rumored to show
up incognito at some caver gatherings, and still caves in exotic places.
Some say he never existed, and is merely a creation of myth and legend.  The
truth may never be known.


On 9/13/2013 12:26 PM, Frank Binney wrote:

I've always believed that those who regularly pursue solo caving either have
a death wish or suffer from mental illness. Case in point, back in 1970
Canadian caver-and frequent visitor to Austin on his way to deep caving
expeditions in Mexico-Mike Boon made an epic mid-winter solo trip to
Castleguard Cave below the Columbia Ice Fields in Banff National Park. Mike
was an extraordinary exploration caver, a brilliant poet
and-unfortunately-someone who needed to be repeatedly institutionalized for
mental illness.
You can read Mike's captivating account of his solo trip in Inside Earth #3,
available for free download via the link below. (Thank you Bill Mixon for
scanning all the long out-of-print Inside Earth issues!)


Frank Binney
Frank Binney & Associates
Interpretive Planning and Media Development
P.O. Box 258
Woodacre, CA 94973
415.488.1200 Voice
415.488.1500 Fax
415.999.0556 Mobile

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