Following is an update on the condition of Mallory Mayeux from her mother, 
Vickie Mayeux. The short summary is that while her condition requires constant 
adjustment, there are thankful signs of improvement. And good news such as that 
her lungs remain clear, with no signs of pneumonia. Caver are united in sending 
our love to the family, and we hope to hear of continued improvement.


Hi Everyone,

Today was better. Generally, her pressure stayed OK longer before needing 
intervention. This morning they took her off sedation for as long as they could 
and they did get an arm twitch and she was breathing on her own some. 
Yesterday, they got no response, so this is an improvement. Her heartbeat got 
too low so they gave medicine to raise it, but that caused her brain pressure 
to go up so they adjusted things again. Truthfully, all day long they are 
constantly adding and subtracting medicines, draining fluid occasionally, and 
checking all sorts of things I would have never thought of. At least she is 
tolerating the interventions and they are able to keep the pressure at an OK 

They still have her body temperature at 92 degrees. There is a problem with the 
feeding tube. They will probably have to remove and replace it. This will 
aggravate her body and will probably raise brain pressure that will have to be 
dealt with. If they don’t do this tonight, they will tomorrow. We are still in 
the peak swelling time, so we just have to be patient, no matter how hard it 
is. Her lungs are clear which is good - don’t want pneumonia to develop. 

Today was much calmer and things seemed more stable even with the constant 
changes. The nurse, doctors, and everyone else are phenomenal. She is in the 
right place. Her coworkers have been great. I am glad we did the stem cell 
research. Hopefully, it will help her, but they have already helped me. They 
are so many research people monitoring, talking to us, answering questions, and 
giving advice. The head of the project gives me so much time, and won’t leave 
until I actually thank him and send him off. When he realized there was a news 
video, he looked it up. These people are very professional and smart, well 

I am so grateful to all of you for all your prayers and spreading the news. I 
know there are many people you have asked to pray for Mallory. She needs every 
prayer she can get. We have a long way to go.

Love you all, Vickie

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