Another take on the Boquillas Border crossing from Marfa Public Radio.  
Terlingua is a place where the tourists stand out like a sore thumb.  We also 
know the local Mexicans.  A stranger to the desert or  from out of the area, on 
the Mexican  side of the border, stand out even more.  An important point is 
made by the Diablo, Gabriel Oreste.  We have been trying to tell the ICE 
Testosterone-filled 20-somethings with heavy armament and little common local 
sense that very thing for a number of years! 


Off-Limits Since Sept. 11, A Texas-Mexico Crossing Reopens 

April 11, 201311:19 AM 


Lorne Matalon/Marfa Public Radio 

Four senior U.S. Border Patrol agents cross the Rio Grande at Big Bend National 
Park, Texas, as a crowd gathers to greet them on the Mexican side. 

Lorne Matalon/Marfa Public Radio 

Boquillas, Mexico, a riverside hamlet of 90 people, sits a minute by foot 
across the Rio Grande from Big Bend National Park in Texas, a boundless 
tapestry of rock and high desert. Mexicans used to cross to work, buy supplies 
in the park or visit family. Americans would wade across the river to savor 
Mexico for a few hours. The border, at least here, was an abstract one that 
people on either side ignored. But that was before the Sept. 11 terrorist 
attacks. Afterward, this part of the border was sealed. 

The only thing entering the U.S. along this emerald sliver of the Rio Grande 
was the sound of 62-year-old Victor Valdez singing. His voice echoed across the 
canyon, his corridos telling stories of lost love and the fight to survive in a 
harsh, beautiful land.   

Catarino Oreste Vasquez, 70, says residents of Boquillas, Mexico, yearn for 
visitors now that the border crossing has reopened. 

"I stay on the other side singing songs for them, but I don't see their faces 
or their smile. But I'm glad now I'm going to see them face by face," Valdez 

"It's a miracle," says Marcelino Sanchez, looking at U.S. visitors in the 
village plaza. Small intertwined economies on both sides have been damaged or 
wiped out. In Boquillas, people eked out a living by crossing into the U.S. at 
night and leaving souvenirs and crudely painted signs asking tourists at Big 
Bend National Park to leave money on the honor system, all illegal and 
generally overlooked. Now 20,000 visitors a year are expected in Boquillas. 

Lilia Falcon says that once the border was sealed, she missed what she terms 
her family. "There were a lot of times I called Big Bend just to say hello or 
just to say, 'Is there any news about the opening?' and whoever answered the 
phone always remembered us in Boquillas," Falcon says. 

The opening became official when four senior U.S. Border Patrol agents in 
uniform waded across the Rio Grande. After embracing their Mexican 
counterparts, a final meeting took place on the riverbank to coordinate hours 
and days of operation. 

The crossing may translate into an intelligence edge for the U.S. As it 
happens, one of the best wildfire firefighting crews in the world lives in 
Boquillas. It's regularly called in north of the border. One member of the 
team, Gabriel Oreste, says the U.S. has just gained a new set of eyes and ears. 

"Things will be more secure because we all know if someone bad shows up. We 
know who is coming and going," he says in Spanish. 

There's little doubt that the local economy in Boquillas will benefit in the 
short term because of the new crossing. And now, people on either side are 
hoping that what happens here becomes a model for reviving small intertwined 
economies along this section of the border. 

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