Articles are due for our Spring 2013 issue, which will be our 10th issue, on 
April 1 2013 – please encourage cavers, scientists, and agency personnel 
conducting cave and karst related work within the Forest Service to submit 
articles, photos, and cave maps.  
For questions related to content, back issues, or submissions, please feel free 
to contact me at the information provided below – or stop by the Forest Service 
booth at the Geological Society of America conference November 5– 8  2012.
Thanks for your interest in Forest Service cave and karst resources!
Editor, Beneath the Forest
Johanna L. Kovarik 
Geology Cave and Karst Program Coordinator 
Minerals and Geology Management Centralized National Operations 
U.S. Forest Service, 740 Simms St., Golden, CO  80401 
Desk:  303-275-5378    Cell:  303-845-2119   Fax:  303-275-5122   

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