There are now slightly over two thousand maps of Mexican caves on the Association for Mexican Cave Studies web site. See .

The catalogs of the paper and disk archives of the AMCS have now been added to . There are 365 disks and over 4400 items in the paper archives catalog.

The paper archives are sorted only by file location, so at this point you're at the mercy of your browser's "find" command to track anything down. Someone hastily wrote a JavaScript program to extract from the catalog file only the items meeting a flexible string search, but the script has bugs and the author has disappeared on an extended vacation to darkest Southeast Asia. If someone out there is a JavaScript expert and could clean it up, many people would be helped immensely. Contact .

The AMCS library, in addition to the archives, contains about two hundred books and one hundred periodical titles. Catalogs of these library contents continue to be at .

All of these are works in progress. There are no doubt several hundred more maps lurking in the library and archives, and both the library and the archives will continue to grow as various private holding migrate to them. Additions are of course sought and welcome; contact .

The map collection was created and the library and archives cataloged by Bill Mixon, who obviously has too much time on his hands.
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