TCR Lovers,

Let the countdown begin for Texas Cavers Reunion the weekend  of October
18-21, 2012 at Paradise Canyon in Rio Medina, TX!

Don just visited the grounds and says its looking fantastic and ripe for
TCR. We will have the entire park to ourselves and, since they acquired new
land, we're going to have tons more campsites by the beautiful, as always,
Media River. Get the floaties out and ready because there will be some
great swimming and lazing to be had.

Paradise Canyon is a wonderful place for TCR fun that we never want to end:
Hot Tub, Big Feed, Speleolympics, Survey & Vertical Contests, Awards, The
Parade, and endless caver revelry. This year's theme:  2012 Mayan

Prices, Menu, and any other details will be announced here.

See you soon,


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