I just posted this on TAGnet, but since word of this wretched little cave  
has made it all the way to Texas I decided to share my personal remembrance 
of  the place. In general I try to forget that I ever had the misfortune to 
live in  Maryland. In the immortal words of the Talking Heads, "Don't go 
back to  Rockville!"
Schetromph cave is a potential deathtrap. I know because I have been there  
many times. Back in the mid to late sixties it was a popular destination 
for  cavers from the Washington DC area who were young, skinny, and had 
nothing  better to do.  

After a nasty climb down near the entrance there is a dreadfully  tight 
round tube called the "corkscrew". The only possible way to enter it  was 
headfirst with helmet off with one arm ahead and one behind. The tube  sloped 
steeply down and to enter it was an act of foolish gravity based faith.  The 
only way out was to shoulder wriggle forward until such time as the tube  
corkscrewed steeply up at the other end where there were jagged rocks to pull 
 and thus exit the tube of terror. Why we did this repeatedly I do not 
know, but  I can assure you that I would never do it again for the entire cave 
is  worthless, as are all caves in Maryland. For that matter Maryland itself 
is  worthless.
Getting out was somewhat easier but much more potentially dangerous. Again, 
 the only choice was to go head first and trust in gravity. The 
aforementioned  jagged rocks formed a keyhole slot into which it was easy to 
let your 
foot slip,  but once gravity was puling you down into the corkscrew tube 
there was no way to  extricate your foot. You would simply hang there by your 
boot until you died. I  once made the mistake of going there with a tall 
gangly fellow who was thus  trapped, as was I until I managed to work his foot 
out of the slot. If I am not  mistaken this is the place where the recent 
victim was trapped, though I find it  hard to imagine how he could have gotten 
his knee folded against his body in  such a tight space.
Need I mention that caves in Maryland are cold and we were invariably  
dressed in tee shirts and denim jackets? The thought of listening to his dying  
moans while watching my carbide lamp flicker out was not pleasant. 
Most extraordinary of all was the fact that someone for some inexplicable  
reason somehow dragged a concrete block through the corkscrew. When I found 
it  inside the cave I was absolutely flabbergasted. After finding it I 
methodically  searched the cave since it seemed utterly impossible that anyone 
could have done  such a thing. There is another entrance but it is suitable 
only for raccoons. It  would seem to me that the only hope for a rescue from 
the corkscrew would be to  enlarge the other entrance with a backhoe. The 
fact that the fellow was  extricated otherwise is nothing short of a miracle 
and all credit to the brave  fellow who chiseled him out!

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