The big innovation of the NAO light is that it is supposed to sense the environment and automatically adjust the light output to match. <> So, for example, if you're in a large passage looking around it will be on high, but if you then look down at your survey book to sketch, it will dim so that you're not blinded by the reflected light. Sounds good in principle, but I suspect there will be situations where the light will not adjust the way you want it to. Sounds like a case of trying to design something to be too smart. What's wrong with manually changing the output as you need to?


At 09:12 PM 4/16/2012, Preston Forsythe wrote:
In July Petzl will have a new LED out, the NAO, $175, 7 to 355 Lumens, rechargeable Lithium-ion or two AAA in a pinch. That's all I know for now. Info from Climbing magazine. It may give Sten a run for it's money.

Preston in western KY

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