White Nose Syndrome confirmed in Europe


White Nose Syndrome Confirmed in Europe
January 28, 2012 / Czech Republic, Europe
Photo by Gilles San Martin/flickr

An article in the January 2012 issue of the Journal of Wildlife Diseases 
confirms the discovery of white-nose syndrome in European bats.

Although European bats had been seen exhibiting the characteristic white 
muzzles of WNS for decades, and identification of Geomyces destructans was made 
in 2008, confirmation of WNS itself had not been made do it’s method of testing 
that requires the bat to be euthanized, which is not allowed without a permit.

With the discovery of a dead greater mouse-eared bat in the Czech Republic’s 
Stara Dratenicka cave in March 2010 and five more, found 12 days later in 
nearby Bycı skala cave, scientists finally had what they needed to perform the 

The results from the histopathological examination confirm the presence of 
white-nose syndrome in Europe, with two of the bats found dead testing positive 
and exhibiting symptoms of the disease such as significantly lower weight.

While mortality rates have so far not affected the population size of Europe’s 
bats, this conclusive proof of WNS and its ability to kill indicates the 
importance of keeping a close eye on Europe’s bat populations in the future.

Histopathology Confirms White-Nose Syndrome in Bats in Europe [Journal of 
Wildlife Diseases via the NSS WNS Page]

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