"Speleonics" is the official publication of the Communication and
Electronics Session of the NSS. In each issue we strive to present a
variety of articles relating to electronics applied to caving and the study
of caves.

We are looking for articles for the June 2012 issue of Speleonics and for
future issues, so if you have a project that you would like published,
please email the Publications Chair (address at bottom). You will receive
an email confirming your submission.

If you don’t have your own pet cave electronics project, perhaps you have
experience with electronic caving gadgets and you’d like to share a review?
Pick a subject like LED headlamps and flashlights, photo/video lighting,
batteries and chargers, camera accessories, electronic survey tools, cave
radio and telephone communication, underground radiolocation, data loggers,
environmental monitoring, bat detectors, or whatever interests you.

Thinking about contributing?

-- We reach cavers with a wide range of electronics experience, and your
article can be at any technical level.

-- You do not have to be a member of the CE Section or the NSS to submit an

-- Your submission can be in almost any electronic format, and include

-- Prior to publication you will receive an edited draft of your work, and
later the final copy for review.

Read and download past issues at http://www.caves.org/section/commelect/ ...

Thank you,

-- Norman Ostensoe <http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100000293889322>
== Norm Berg, Publication Chair
== Communication and Electronics Section (CES) of the NSS
== CES Website: http://www.caves.org/section/commelect
== Personal email: n...@cox.net (include “Speleonics” in the subject line)
== Phone: 860-621-2080 (before 9 pm ET)
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