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From: C Tiderman 
To: undisclosed recipients: 
Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2011 12:41 PM
Subject: [SWR] WNS

Culprit behind bat scourge confirmed 
A cold-loving fungus is behind an epidemic decimating bat populations in North 
Susan Young 
White-nose syndrome is killing bats throughout eastern North America.Greg 
Turner / Pennsylvania Game Commission
Researchers have confirmed that a recently identified fungus is responsible for 
white-nose syndrome, a deadly disease that is sweeping through bat colonies in 
eastern North America.
The fungus, Geomyces destructans, infects the skin of hibernating bats, causing 
lesions on the animals' wings and a fluffy white outgrowth on the muzzle. When 
white-nose syndrome takes hold of a hibernating colony, more than 90% of the 
bats can die (see Disease epidemic killing only US bats). The disease was first 
documented in February 2006 in a cave in New York, and has spread to at least 
16 other US states and four Canadian provinces. 
The culpability of G. destructans for this sudden outbreak was thrown into 
question when the fungus was found on healthy bats in Europe, where it is not 
associated with the grim mortality levels seen in North America1. Some proposed 
that the fungus was not the primary cause of the catastrophic die offs, and 
that another factor — such as an undetected virus — must be to blame. But a 
study published today in Nature2 reveals that G. destructans is indeed guilty.
"The fungus alone is sufficient to recreate all the pathology diagnostic for 
the disease," says David Blehert, a microbiologist at the National Wildlife 
Health Center in Madison, Wisconsin, and senior author on the report. 
Bat-to-bat spread
Blehert and his colleagues collected healthy little brown bats (Myotis 
lucifugus) from Wisconsin, which is well beyond the known range of white-nose 
syndrome. They infected the bats by direct administration of G. destructans 
spores to the skin or by contact with infected bats from New York. By the end 
of the 102-day experiment, the tell-tale white fungus was growing on the 
muzzles and wings of all of the directly infected Wisconsin bats and 16 of the 
18 exposed to sick bats. 
This is the first experimental evidence that white-nose syndrome can be passed 
from bat to bat, and is very worrying from a conservation point of view because 
bats huddle together in large numbers in caves and mate in large swarms, says 
Emma Teeling, a bat biologist at University College Dublin in Ireland. "If a 
bat has this fungus on them, it's going to spread quickly throughout the 
population," says Teeling, who was not involved with the study. "It's like a 
perfect storm."
The infected Wisconsin bats did not die during the experiment, which may be due 
to the limited timeline of infection, the authors suggest. Although the study 
does not directly show that a healthy bat will die from infection with G. 
destructans, the results did show that the fungus alone was sufficient to cause 
lesions diagnostic of white-nose syndrome to form on previously healthy bats, 
indicating that the fungus is the cause of the deaths so often associated with 
white-nose syndrome in the wild. 
To stop a scourge


Since it first appeared, white-nose syndrome has behaved like a novel pathogen 
spreading from a single origin through a naive population, says Jonathan 
Sleeman, director of the National Wildlife Health Center, who was not involved 
in the study. Proof that G. destructans is the primary cause of white-nose 
syndrome will "help us focus our actions or management efforts into the 
future", he says.
Although little can be done to control the spread of the disease through 
bat-to-bat transmission, the US Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) has asked 
people to stay out of caves in and near affected areas, and has closed some 
caves on agency-managed land. 
On 21 October, the FWS announced that up to $1 million in funding will be made 
available for research on white-nose syndrome. Projects covering topics such as 
how the fungus proliferates within caves and mines, and the potential for 
biological means or environmental manipulations to improve bat survival, are 
among the service's top priorities. 



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