"I'm also looking for short tales of adventure. Tales of heroism,  
plundering, rescue, successes, etc. that your Toyota was involved in."
Well, there was the time that I decided I had to hunt rare rattlesnakes in  
the Sierra del Nido of Chihuahua. I got some antiquated maps from the 
University  of Arizona then headed south in my trusty Toyota 4x4.
The map showed a horse trail heading NW off the main highway. When I got  
there I discovered that it had become the world's worst superhighway/toll 
road.  The cost to drive it was an outrageous $15, but when I explained that I 
was just  looking for snakes they let me on for free. The map showed an old 
hacienda in  the desert at the foot of the mountains, then a trail leading 
up to an old mine.  When I got to the turnoff I just ignored the incredibly 
funky looking old  hacienda and instead just opened up a barbed wire gate and 
headed for the hills. 
When I got to the abandoned mine there were two Indians who looked at me  
like I was from another planet. When they discovered that I didn't have  
permission from the Padron they got very worried and insisted that we return to 
the hacienda to talk to the ranch foreman. 
The hacienda was a fortified compound worthy of a spaghetti western. It was 
 huge and ancient, built of mud and logs, and full of horses and very 
scruffy  looking cowboys. The foreman was a friendly enough fellow, but he was 
aghast at  the thought that I had simply driven to the mine. Didn't I know 
that the Padron  was a murderous lunatic who hated Gringos? He was a deeply 
conservative  religious queer who sodomized his lovers with gun barrels then 
carved them  up with knives. Everyone, including all of his numerous 
employees, was terrified  of him. Luckily for me he was away buying more 
otherwise I would have  been shot on sight.
Under such circumstances I always take the precaution of carrying two  
coolers. One full of ice cold Mexican beer for me, and the other full of  
Budweiser with which to bribe Federales and/or ranch foremen. 
After the third beer the foreman got downright friendly and suggested that  
since the Padron was away perhaps we could take a little trip past the mine 
up  into the mountains, but we would have to take his big Chevy since there 
was no  way my silly little Toyota could possibly make it.
The foreman explained that there was a “road” that went from the mine all  
the way to the top of the mountain where an antenna had been installed.  
Bulldozers can turn on their axis and can climb incredibly steep grades, so 
the  “road” was not passable by any vehicle, even a 4x4. Nevertheless we 
would try to  go as far as we could, and yes, there were plenty of 
So he loaded  his truck full of cowboys and Indians and I followed him. 
(Good thing I had lots  of beer!)
Not far past the mine it started to rain and the Chevy’s tires started to  
spin on the steep grade so he announced that was as far as we could go. I 
looked  and laughed. The Yo could easily handle it so I invited them all to 
get in the  back provided that they had the cojones for the ride.
I put it in first gear low range and headed up the mountain with the engine 
 redlined. It was so steep that I couldn’t see the road in front of me and 
had to  have the fellows standing in the back shout warnings. The real 
problem was the  switchbacks which were too tight for the turning radius, so 
there were some  tense moments as we flirted with disaster. The men were 
terrified but wouldn’t  admit it. (I could see them crossing themselves and 
muttering Hail Marys in the  rearview mirror.) Turning around was out of the 
question so I just raged on up  the mountain with the engine screaming.
By some miracle I made it to the top and the men damn near beatified the  
Toyota. They thanked God for their deliverance, then stroked the Yo as if it 
was  their favorite horse and praised it to the skies. 
Despite it being a summer day it was cold as hell up there. There seemed to 
 be no chance of finding any snakes, but when I complained an ancient 
cowboy  looked around and pointed at a pine tree. There to my amazement was a 
little  twin spotted rattlesnake (Crotalus pricei) climbing straight up the 
tree  caterpillar style. There were also a few cold numbed alligator lizards. 
Clouds  closed in and we were nearly out of beer so it was time to depart.
Back at the bottom I proposed to spend the night hidden behind a small hill 
 near the mine. The foreman thought that was a very bad idea, what if the 
Padron  returned early? Nevertheless I had proved myself, as had my steed, so 
he  reluctantly agreed. 
In the morning I broke camp and was headed out across the desert back  
toward the gate. As I did I beheld a posse in full pursuit headed by a big bad  
heavily armed man on a tall horse. They violently gestured for me to stop, 
but  once again the Toyota saved the day as I screamed across the desert out 
of  bullet range and back to the highway.


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