Here in Florida everyone believes that every single sinkhole pond is a  
"spring fed lake". If you don't believe me just ask a realtor! If you mention  
the fact that the water is just sitting there rather than flowing the happy  
homeowner (whose lot size grows ever larger as the lake recedes) will 
explain  that there must be a hole in the bottom of the lake otherwise how  
the water squirt up to fill the lake basin? These are the same  folks who 
believe that if you dig a hole in the backyard water will rush up  to fill it, 
this despite the fact that their well is 200 feet deep. (This is the  same 
as the creationist argument for design. If the bucket gets filled with  
water there has to be a faucet, right?)
None of these folks believe that their ever receding lakes are in any way  
affected by anthropogenic climate change, drainage ditches, golf course  
irrigation, or that the green slime coming out of what used to be a spring has  
anything to do with their septic tank. It is all magic. I just heard on NPR 
that  a researcher recently determined that no one would drink perfectly 
sterile  reclaimed water because it had once touched a turd, but they are 
happy to drink  the polluted aquifer because it is "natural". Therefore it is 
best to dispose  of perfectly clean reclaimed water by dumping it into the 
river then  pump it back out again after it has been "purified" by running past 
the town  just upstream. And to think that they came to all these 
conclusions without  me even having to put LSD in the public water supply!
But not everybody is that dumb. I once had an in depth conversation with a  
very intelligent Mayan Indian in Belize who after a shot of rum and a pull 
on a  spliff got downright philosophical. He explained that everybody knew 
that water  simply came out of the ground, presumably due to the intercession 
of Oztotl, but  he had a different idea. He said, "Maybe it has something 
to do with  rain?"

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