See Jason's note below.

Life isn't about waiting for the storm to pass - It's about dancing in the 

Subject: public meeting notes
Date: Fri, 23 Sep 2011 17:02:39 +0000

Please forward:
Lincoln National Forest is seeking public comment for improving its Cave 
Program. Guadalupe Ranger District recently held a public meeting in Carlsbad, 
NM. The notes and PowerPoint are now available for you to view and make 
additional comments. Text versions of the public meeting notes are attached to 
this email and a PowerPoint Show is available at To 
view the show, scroll down the main screen of the Lincoln National Forest 
homepage to the Spotlight section. There you will find a download link for the 
PowerPoint that may take a few minutes to load. Thank you for your interest and 
please send your comments to
Jason Walz
Cave Specialist
Lincoln National Forest
(575) 885-7426 -office
(575) 361-7759 -cell
Lincoln National Forest 
Public Meeting 9-2011 

Thank you for your interest in Lincoln National Forest (LNF). We invite your 
comments as we revise 
the Cave Program. Our program will become a unison of cavers, government rules, 
and protection for 
bats with your help. Please email your comments to Jason Walz 

Lincoln National Forest is open to limited recreational use with a cave permit. 
This is only possible 
within strict guidance from the „Decontamination Procedures for Use on National 
Forest System 
Lands. paper issued July 21, 2010. Found here: 

Page 1 “Forest Service personnel are expected to work with grottos… and the 
general public to 

identify when and where cave entry should be allowed by the public. When 
official entry is necessary 

or allowable, ensure decontamination protocols are understood and followed.” 

Lincoln National Forest has identified recreational use as an allowable cave 
entry with 
thorough decontamination. 

Page 4 “In some situations in the west where caves are concentrated in a small 
area, Regions or 
Forests may identify logical decontamination areas that allow decontamination 
between cave clusters 

that are likely to be used by the same group of bats.” 

Lincoln National Forest has identified one cave cluster located within 
Guadalupe Ranger 
District. The boundaries are HWY 137 and the southeast border of the USFS. 
Lincoln National Forest is emphasizing thorough decontamination before 
arriving, clean caving 
during a visit, and thorough decontamination when you leave the area. 

White Nose Syndrome (WNS) 

How can Lincoln National Forest prove that people are following decontamination 
procedures before 
they arrive to enter caves? 

Forest Service Comments 
This is a popular question that many people express cannot be done 
Idea: To require a signature on a WNS Agreement that clearly states the 
requirements and 
responsibilities of decontamination procedures 
Idea: To collect photo documentation of cavers completing decontamination 
procedures in a 
Idea: Sediment residue should be targeted. Cave gear that is obviously dirty 
contains sediment 
mixed with spores, microbes, etc. This sediment mixture is a real way of 
transference but has 
not been proven for WNS yet. 
Idea: LNF should question WNS compliance with the same vigilance they question 
applicants for vertical experience. 

Public Comments 9-13-2011 
Willing to sign WNS Agreement 
Photo documentation may not be needed or useful 
The biggest threat is from cavers from the east. WNS information should be 
mailed out and 
signatures received before a cave permit is issued. 
Trip leaders should be responsible for enforcing decontamination rules 
LNF should speak to every person before issuing cave permit 

Add check box to the permit acknowledging WNS compliance 

Targeted Cave Closure 

Forest Service Comments 
Lincoln National Forest is following the WNS Interagency Response Plan for NM. 

All caves with more than 30 bats are closed to recreational use. 
Bat caves will remain closed until there is a revision to the Interagency 
Response Plan or there 
is a change in guidance from the USFS. 
Currently, Black, Little Beauty, Red Lake, Hell Below, Pink Panther, and Pink 
Dragon are open 
to recreational cave permit. Hell Below, Pink Panther and Pink Dragon require a 
Trip Leader. 
Idea: Lincoln National Forest is considering opening more recreational caves 
depending on 
significant bat use and other criteria. Three Fingers and Virgin have a route 
that is being 

Public Comments 9-13-2011 
Discussion about where a WNS sign should be placed to help enforce the closure 
Cottonwood Cave. The cave entrance has a standard sign explaining the all caves 
Lincoln National Forest are closed without a cave permit. 

Should sign be placed at the entrance, half way down the trail or at the 
A trailhead sign may cause an attractant to Forest users who know nothing about 
How can LNF enforce closure? 
Opening more recreational use caves is a good idea 
Trip Leader Policy 

Lincoln National Forest would like to improve its Trip Leader Policy to provide 
more safety for cave 
resources, safety for the public and provide easy-access caving at the same 

Forest Service Comments 
Idea: Considering instituting a 3-level Trip Leader Policy: Basic, 
Intermediate, and Advanced. 
Idea: A Basic Trip Leader could qualify after a successful cave trip with 
another LNF Trip 
Leader of any type. Shift more caves to require a Basic Trip Leader and fewer 
caves to require 
no Trip Leader. 
Idea: Have a sign-off sheet for Trip Leader status where the Trip Leader 
Trainer shares 
responsibility for training and offenses. 
Lincoln National Forest is looking for qualified cavers who would like to 
obtain Trip Leader 

Public Comments 9-13-2011 
Will current Trip Leaders be grandfathered in? 
Finding the cave is part of being a Trip Leader 
Trip Leaders should not be required to lead people they do not know and/or do 
not feel 
comfortable leading into a cave 


How can Lincoln National Forest ensure that all keys to cave gates are 

Forest Service Comments 
All keys, permits and steplogs should be returned to the Queen lockbox before 
leaving the 
Forest boundary. 

Idea: There should be some penalty for not following the key return policy and 
the lock should 

be changed quickly. 

Public Comments 9-13-2011 
Combination locks should be used for popular recreational use caves. The combo 
could be 
included with the permit eliminating the need for a key. The combinations 
should be changed 
The USFS should consider collecting a deposit for keys 
A lanyard should be included with key 

Volunteer Opportunities 

There are numerous volunteer opportunities at Lincoln National Forest. Contact 
Jason Walz with your volunteer project ideas 

Volunteer Projects 
Hiking: Carry a GPS unit and map little known trails or track where you are 
Cave survey and inventory: There are several caves that need surveying by an 

Idea: Cave Watch – 
a schedule of when cavers are going to be in the Guadalupe Ranger 
District area to help protect caves through educating the public. Everyone 
should be careful 
not to put themselves in harm.s 
way to confront someone doing something wrong. 
Organized Groups 

National Speleological Society (NSS) 
NSS – 
Southwest Region: 
NSS – 
High Guads Restoration Project: 
NSS – 
Pecos Valley Grotto: Pat Seiser, President 
Other Topics 

Public Comments 9-13-2011 
Do away with the Ridge Walking Permit 
Use the Cave Discovery Permit, which allows access to unknown caves with no 
brass-cap on 
the entrance. 
Some known caves within USFS lands do not have a brass-cap on the entrance. 
Trip report should be included with recreational permit 

Trip report should be required before future permits are issued 


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