For those interested, we had to evacuate Carlsbad Caverns National Park due to 
fire incroaching on the vistor center. The rangers where great, had everyone 
out of the cave in 1 hour. The fire seems to have started along the scenic loop 
road and is now in Rattlesnake & Lechuguilla Canyons and may have or is 
expected to jump into Walnut Canyon. When I was leaving I could see the Flames 
coming up the gully about 50 yards from the main road just before the loop road 
turn-off. Tonight I can see the flames from my backyard, in town!
Please pray we get some rain! This will be the 6th major fire in the Guads 
since the end of April. And to top it all off, y'all have our bats! We are only 
seeing about 200 each night when it should be 250 to 350 THOUSAND!

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