Thanks, Bill.  I had already stared a similar message.  As I recall, the cliff 
entrance is actually overhung, so I doubt if you could see it unless the twists 
and turns in Google Earth would do it.  By the way (and definately off topic 
for those of you keeping score) the last itme I stayed at Hotel Taninul after 
rapelling into the skylight entrance to Ventana Jabali was the time the 
ex-special forces Viet Nam chopper pilot and his renta-wife companion were 
there, on his way to fly the jail break in Mexico City.  I think I met them, 
because I though to myself "couldn't the guy have found a prettier woman?"  How 
about that for Cave Trivia!!  Ediger missed another opportunity.  Your choice - 
the cave, the chopper, or the woman.


----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Mixon Bill" <> 
To: "Cavers Texas" <> 
Sent: Sunday, March 27, 2011 11:52:52 AM 
Subject: [Texascavers] Ventana Jabali 

That feature David pointed us to on Google Earth appears to be an   
arroyo in the steep east face of the Sierra de El Abra. Ventana Jabali   
is 6 or 7 km north of there, and, while the entrance is large, I   
wouldn't expect it to show up on a vertical view. The known caves   
nearest that quarry are those in the Monos area. -- Mixon

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