This is a highly opinionated post based on knowing absolutely zero
about the problem:

( surprised ? )

I am self-employed and have been operating a barely legitimate
business for 13 years.
My shoe-string budget is difficult, and I have to make choices every
single day that I despise.
I would love to put my business in the location that would bring in
more business and make
life easier and make the business look more legitimate.      But that
is not reality.

The NSS needs to think outside the box and plan for worst case scenarios.

They need to find the least expensive place possible to operate their
office, and
that may be 500 miles from the nearest cave.     Cavers will come to
it if it has
something interesting to offer.

Finding reliable staff to operate a business is a nightmare.    I have
yet to find
anyone I can trust with my business.     I came close one time, but the person
died of cancer.

Another issue I have, is my customers want something but are not
willing to pay for it.
They complain about crappy free service.     If your customers ( NSS members or
potential members ) are not willing to pay for something, then you
have to politely
not offer that service to them, and in some instances, you might have
to get rude.

This facility sounds like it has overhead not related to caving.
You have to have
some kind of security when you operate an office.    You have
maintenance cost, and
book-keeping cost.       What good is it to have a business if your
cost are more
than your income?

I would visit the headquarters twice a year, if it were in Houston,
Texas, near Intercontinental Airport.
But the crime rate around that side of town would make this location
risky.    I will most
likely never visit it at any of the proposed locations, and I bet the other 30
NSS members in the counties next to mine will never visit it, no
matter where you put it.

Maybe it needs to be a mobile business, like locksmiths.     Bob & Bob
may have set a good
example on how to operate a caving business.     Someone can correct
me on that, if I am
mistaken.    But one of the fondest memories of going to a caving
event was seeing Bob & Bob's
van pull up and start unloading things.

If I were in charge of its location, I would put it half-way between
Austin and Houston, Texas.    But
finding staff there to operate it, would be difficult.      It would
have to be right on the highway so that
cavers travelling by, would be able to stop in and visit quickly.

My only other thought about this is that having one centralized
national office doesn't sound like a
way to fairly serve the members or potential members that are spread
out over a large nation.

David Locklear
NSS Life Member 27639

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