----- Forwarded Message ----
From: Steve Smith <stevenlsm...@usa.net>
To: stevenlsm...@usa.net
Sent: Sat, May 7, 2011 9:22:20 AM
Subject: NSS Conservation Network

>From Jim Werker and Val Hildreth-Werker, NSS Conservation Division Co-Chairs
(through the NSS Conservation Network - Steve Smith, Coordinator):

We just received this information from Peter Youngbaer, NSS WNS Liaison, who
requested that it be sent out on the NSS Conservation Network (NSSCN). 
Please pass the word out to the folks within your IO.


Jim & Val

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 

Dear NSS Members,

We need your help to contact your U.S. Senators about research funding  
for White Nose Syndrome as soon as possible.  A sign-on letter  
initiated by Sen. Lautenberg, NJ and Sen. Leahy, VT, is being  
circulated now, requesting that members join them in asking for $10.8  
M in funding for WNS.

ACTION:  Please contact your Senator's office and ask them to sign on  
to Sen. Lautenberg's and Leahy's WNS letter.  If any of the offices  
agree to sign on please let me know at wnsliai...@caves.org, so that  
we can take them off the list.

Contact information for your Senators is here:

Please call the Washington, D.C. phone number as ask to speak with the  
staff person who handles Environmental affairs for the Senator.  If  
you have a personal contact, use that instead.

Why is this important, and why now?  Congress has just returned after  
a recess, and all the appropriations requests from members are being  
taken at this time.  The approach we are supporting is a significant  
change from prior efforts, in that funding would be given to a variety  
of federal agencies, not just U.S. Fish and Wildlife.  This will help  
bring a more balanced approach to WNS activities.

As you know, this is an extremely difficult time for any federal  
funding.  Without research that can help us answer questions about  
WNS, we will continue to see management decisions based on hopeful  
prevention strategies and speculation.

For details on the collaborative budgetary initiative, please review  
this testimony, prepared by a number of organizations, including the  
NSS, and delivered by BCI's Executive Director, Nina Fascione:


To help you speak with confidence and knowledge about the NSS and our  
involvement in the WNS effort, please refer to this document:


ACTION:  Please make your contacts now.  We are looking for as many  
Senate signers as possible by Tuesday.

ACTION:  Please feel free to forward this message to any other lists.

Thank you,

Peter Youngbaer

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

In my never-ending quest to keep the NSSCN E-Mail addressee list as
current as possible, I'd appreciate it greatly if each IO would send me
their "druthers" on who within the IO they'd like to receive this info.
Usually, this info should go to the IO Conservation Chair, for subsequent
forwarding out to their respective membership.  If the IO does not have a
designated Conservation Chair, then this info should go to the overall IO
Chair.  Please send me any addressee changes/updates due to IO internal
elections, folks moving out of town, etc.  


Steve Smith, NSSCN coordinator

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