

This is not exactly what you are asking for, but is a piece of history of the 
cave.   I lived 20 years in Texas and was one of charter members of the AMCS.   
I was in and out of Bustamante numerous times, but did not participative in 
surveying the cave. 


However, in January 1975, I organized a trip to Bustamante for a Time-Life 
writer, Donald Dale Jackson.   I enlisted the help of some Austin Cavers, 
including Ron Ralph, Ronnie Fieseler,and others. 


The result was a chapter in the Time-Life Book,   The Sierra Madre 

The American Wilderness/Time-Life Books/New York 

Donald Dale Jackson and Peter Wood 


1975, LC: 75-21613 


Chapter 2: The Dark Heart of a Cordilleria 

p. 52-67 


Ron and I then continued to take Jackson to Golendrinas, which he also wrote up 
in the book. 


Cheers -- 


Dwight Deal

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