Congratulations to everyone involved; a well-deserved award!

On 7/28/2013 10:40 AM, Lee H. Skinner wrote:

As many of you know, the 16th International Congress of Speleology (the international version of the National Speleological Society -- NSS) just concluded today in Brno, Czech Republic. FSCSP Board Member John Moses is also the International Secretary of the NSS and attended the Congress. After the closing banquet of the Congress, he sent us this message:

At the 16th International Congress of Speleology in Brno, Czech Republic, the International Union of Speleology named the Fort Stanton Cave Study Project Team as the winner of the 2013 prize in exploration. A plaque will be sent to the team and the award includes a cash prize of 100 Euros. "Excellent exploration is conducted with excellent science and follows top standards for cave protection. The Fort Stanton Cave Study Project stands as a shining example for all members of UIS to follow."

FSCSP board member and US national delegate, John Moses, accepted the award on behalf of the team. Other Fort Stanton project participants present were asked to stand and be recognized.

Citing the most significant cave exploration projects which have taken place between the 15th ICS in 2009 and this year, the honorable mentions included the Hang Son Doong Cave project in Vietnam (world's largest cave passage) and the K'oox Baal, Mexico underwater cave (4th longest underwater cave in the world).

This is indeed, an honor, and a tribute to all the hard work that all the participants have put into the Fort Stanton Cave Study Project in the last few years, and since work started at the cave 50 years ago. Everyone who has contributed in any way should be proud of this achievement and merits a "Thank you!" from myself and from all the directors of the FSCSP!

Steve Peerman
Project Director, Fort Stanton Cave Study Project <>

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