Thank you Shiner, Cave Without a Name, Tom Summers, Mike Burrell, Roger Moore, 
Mallory Mayeux, Heather Tuček, Jill Orr, Michael Cicherski, Lee Jay Graves, 
Gill Ediger, Ron Ralph, Allan Cobb, Ellie Watson, Mimi Jasek, James Jasek, 
Stefan Creaser, John Brooks, Wesley Schumacher, Gary Franklin, Jim Kennedy, Yaz 
Avila, Denise Prendergast, Vico Jones, RD Milholland, Saj Zappatello, Matts 
(all of you), Rebecca Jones, Ron Rutherford, Lyndon Tiu, all the food prep 
helpers, all of the speakers, all the auction item donors (you ROCK!), all the 
photographers and Kayla the Cartographer (don't complain, I didn't see your map 
there, duh, it's Spring Convention, one brings maps!) and a huge thanks for 
those I'm forgetting! Also thanks to the folks who left stuff in Lost-N-Found 
for next year's auction! (If you want to re-think your involuntary donation, 
see the TSA Facebook page for images of the items). 

Texas Speleological Association's Spring Convention couldn't have been as 
awesome without you!

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