I was in the mood to surf the web for new cave related topics, and just for
the sake of it, did a Google search "obituary and caving and 2013."

It listed several people that passed away recently that had "caving" listed
in their obituaries.   One of them was a young man from Sonora, California,
named Paul Hensley.   Another was Wyatt Lewis Pasley, of Atlanta, Georgia.
   Another was  Captain Jeffrey Lee "Jeff" Francis, of Chattanooga,
Tennessee.   Another was  Bryan Alan Starnes, died March 9, 2013 in Duluth,
Minnesota.     There were at least several more, but that was as far as I
read, and I only got to page 3 of at least 34 search engine page results.

It seems like something noteworthy could be said or written about this,
like I wonder if any of you ever met them at a caving event ?  or it is sad
that we never got to go caving with them.

David Locklear

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