Good point, Jen.


Quoting "jen ." <>:

Geronimo's is on the BLM bat closure list and they are featuring it as an attraction!?!
In any case, it sounds like an excellent project for SWR.


Date: Thu, 25 Apr 2013 14:46:02 -0600
Subject: [SWR] "Memorial Day" Regional info

Hi all,
At the spring regional last weekend at Gage, NM, I made a presentation to the region regarding needed restoration work at Geronimo's Cave, just northwest of Las Cruces in the Robledo Mountains. The issue there is that because Geronimo's Cave has been featured as an attraction of the proposed Organ Mtns -- Desert Peaks National Monument (with the location shown on a map put together by the NM Wilderness Alliance), the cave has gotten a lot of traffic lately and has suffered a good deal of vandalism in the form of graffiti. We are afraid that if we don't get the cave cleaned up soon that it will only get worse. The Mesilla Valley Grotto has been working with the Las Cruces BLM office to clean up the trash in the cave, but we need help from the region for cleaning the extensive graffiti. We have agreed to host a regional on the weekend of June 15-16 alongside the Rio Grande River for that purpose. (Note that this is not on Memorial Day, but a few weeks later.) Geronimo's Cave is about a 1.25 mile hike up into the Robledo Mountains across the river from our proposed campsite. The slope is fairly gradual so you don't have to be a mountain goat to get up to the cave. The cave itself is fairly small, but has a lot of history. It also has a ~50' pit in one side passage. At one time, it was likely very well decorated. At the moment, the Rio Grande is bone dry because of the drought. However it is likely that there will be some irrigation water released from Caballo Reservoir at the time of the regional. It probably won't be much, but enough to get your feet wet. Because of the time of the year, and the need to hike to the cave, I'm going to recommend that we have the work trip first thing in the morning (~ 8 am) and postpone the meeting until the evening. I will be sending a map which can be published in the next SW Caver, but the access will be very easy, only a few miles off of Interstate 25. So put June 15 on your calendar, bring tools for cleaning graffiti, bring shade, and come help us bring this cave back to some semblance of its original glory.

(Also realize that because of the short time frame between now and the regional date, that this constitutes an official notice of the regional. Spread the word to those who might not be on the SWR mailing list.)

Steve Peerman

"Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things you didn't do than by the ones you did. So throw off the bowlines, Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover." attributed to Mark Twain, but no record exists of his having written this.

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Peter Youngbaer
White Nose Syndrome Liaison
National Speleological Society
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