Oops. My short term memory forgot to put John Schneider on the list of
attendees. Sorry, John, your work was appreciated.

On Sun, Jul 22, 2012 at 9:06 PM, Gill Edigar <gi...@att.net> wrote:
> KIWI SINK Trip and Progress Report--Erin Brown, Gill Ediger, Ernie
> Garza, Amy Jasek, Jim Jasek, Mimi Jasek, Chris Perez, Will Quast, Ron
> Rutherford. 22 July 2012, Rolling Oaks SubDivision, Hays County,
> Texas.
> Today's dig started out badly yesterday when Terry Raines reported
> that the 12-volt electric winch we use to hoist the mud and rock
> filled barrels out of the pit had burned up and given out. Navy
> Commander Robert S Hemperly, DDS drove in from NS San Diego with a
> brand new winch with the same mounting hole pattern as the derelict
> one. It took but a few minutes for him to make the swap, take a look
> at the sinkhole, and head out on his way to 2 years of Naval dentistry
> in ancient Italy, but not without providing everyone with a 3 liter
> sample of some olive oil he'd brought from California to hand out in
> Italy. Sort of a carrying coals to New Castle sorta thing. A large
> tarp had been erected over the pit to keep the diggers cool and to
> protect from solar radiation as much as possible. The winch was ready
> just as 5 barrels were completed filling by Ernie Garza, Jim & Mimi
> Jasek, They were removed along with one biggish rock. Meanwhile Chris
> Perez, Will Quast, and Erin Brown spent a lot of time and effort
> digging mud and gravel filled belly crawls down in the cooler portions
> of the cave, trending mostly southward. Before the day was over 5-1/2
> more barrels had been filled, by the same digging crew reinforced by
> Amy Jasek, Ron Rutherford, and me, Gill Ediger, but were not dumped
> due to the remaining contingent being tired and the sun being
> miserably hot. The main effort was directed at excavating northward,
> the supposed direction of the Main Drain for rain water in the system.
> Additional Notes: Terry Raines wasn't directly involved today due to
> final packing for a Belize trip he and his family left on about 2 in
> the afternoon but his jin-pole truck was put to good use with the
> hoisting business. This was Erin Brown's first caving trip; she got
> muddy. Dr Hemperly saved the day with his winch delivery. Kiwi
> supervised. The neighbor walked by with a very curious look on his
> face but tarried not.   --Gill Ediger

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