PBSS Meeting Notes

October 8, 2011

Attending: Bill Bentley, Tony Abernathy, Matthew, Alex and Tristan Ormsby, Andrew McCarthy, Kerry Lowery, Patrick Ray, Jacqui Thomas (notes).

The meeting opened at 1905 with a treasurer's report. We have money. We have new members and some renewals. We now have 24 regular members and 5 honorary members.

There was a question regarding the number of NSS members needed in a grotto, and we will check on that. [I have since checked on this and the following is from the NSS website: "A grotto must have at least five NSS members who have designated that grotto as their Primary Affiliation. This is one of the requirements for being a grotto."]

Old business: reminder of Five Mouth Cave dig Veteran's Day weekend.

Report on S Cave trip: Because there was some vandalism (again), in conjunction with the report Bill made a motion that we post a sign inside the gate at S, giving contact information for PBSS ("if you want to enter this cave, contact."). Seconded by Jacqui and passed unanimously. Bill will look into it.

Announcement of the Ormsby trip to Punkin/Deep Preserve, as there are a couple of slots still available.

New Business: Bill reported that he was invited by a landowner to look at a cave north of Van Horn and it has potential. We decided it was worth doing a bit of digging. We set a recon/dig date for the weekend of January 28th.

Bill made a motion that in addition to the Treasurer, we have the President as a signator on the bank account. Matthew seconded the motion and the motion passed unanimously.

Elections: We all agreed that Kerry would count the ballots. The 2012 officers will be announced at the Christmas Party. Kerry announced that there was a tie for one position and a motion was made to have the officers and Kerry form an after-meeting executive committee to decide how to resolve this. The motion was seconded and passed unanimously. This was done and the tie will be resolved at the Christmas Party in the manner decided by the committee.


Five Mouth this weekend. (contact Jacqui)

The Christmas Party will be held at Andrew's home on Saturday December 17th. The Grotto will pay for food, probably brisket and fixings. BYO drinks. More info to follow)

Cave Dig at Bill's lead the weekend of January 28th. (Contact Bill)

The regular meeting closed at 1955, followed by a brief election committee meeting.

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