---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Cheryl Jones <cheryl.ca...@verizon.net>
List-Post: texascavers@texascavers.com
Date: Mon, Dec 19, 2011 at 8:50 PM
Subject: NSS (New) Headquarters Update
To: siv...@listserv.vt.edu

NSS Headquarters Update - It's Ours!
The new headquarters is ours! We are looking forward to having the room to
accomplish great things. Over the last year many members dedicated
uncountable hours to achieve this.

First, our Board took the bold step to move forward with a vision for
expansion. OVP Luckins and S-T Young then negotiated a deal with the
Shriners that resulted in a win-win for both organizations. Once the
contract was signed and a financial institution selected from several
offers, the piles of paperwork began.

The National Speleological Foundation has provided immeasurable guidance to
the Society. I tip my helmet to both NSS and Foundation member Bert
Ashbrook and NSS legal counselors Joel Stevenson and Jay Clark for helping
us maneuver through the complex legal documents involved. The Foundation
has always been there for us, and we are very proud of our association with

On December 15th we started signing as the clock struck 12. An hour later,
the keys were in our hands.

Headquarters Commission Chairman Dave Haun arrived on site that morning
with tape measure in hand and started sorting through plans. The Shriners
are as proud of their history as we are ­ they retained everything,
including the original blueprints and colored pencil drawings. Dave has
spent days measuring and meeting with potential contractors for various
phases of our renovations as we tailor the facility to our specific vision.

Fundraising Chairman Bill Putnam has been working on several programs so
that every member can be part of this exciting step. Look for a new form to
appear on the NSS website on January 1st. You’ll be amazed at how little it
takes to do great things.

As President of the Society, I thank you for the opportunity to be at the
helm during this historic time. I’ll do my best to ensure our Society’s
goals are achieved as we move forward. The lamp is lit and new passages lay
before us…

Wm Shrewsbury, President
National Speleological Society

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