Hi! This is the ezmlm program. I'm managing the
texascavers@texascavers.com mailing list.

I'm working for my owner, who can be reached
at texascavers-ow...@texascavers.com.

I respectfully request your permission to add


to the subscribers of the texascavers mailing list. This request
either came from you, or it has already been verified by
the potential subscriber.

To confirm, please send an empty reply to this address:


Usually, this happens when you just hit the "reply" button.
If this does not work, simply copy the address and paste it into
the "To:" field of a new message.

If you don't approve, simply ignore this message.

Thank you for your help!

--- Administrative commands for the texascavers list ---

I can handle administrative requests automatically. Please
do not send them to the list address! Instead, send
your message to the correct command address:

For help and a description of available commands, send a message to:

To subscribe to the list, send a message to:

To remove your address from the list, just send a message to
the address in the ``List-Unsubscribe'' header of any list
message. If you haven't changed addresses since subscribing,
you can also send a message to:

For addition or removal of addresses, I'll send a confirmation
message to that address. When you receive it, simply reply to it
to complete the transaction.

If you need to get in touch with the human owner of this list,
please send a message to:


Please include a FORWARDED list message with ALL HEADERS intact
to make it easier to help you.

--- Enclosed is a copy of the request I received.

Return-Path: <burnetji...@yahoo.com>
Received: (qmail 21930 invoked by uid 89); 23 Oct 2011 22:55:06 -0000
Received: from unknown (HELO nm19.bullet.mail.bf1.yahoo.com) (
  by gnome.wokka.org with SMTP; 23 Oct 2011 22:55:06 -0000
Received: from [] by nm19.bullet.mail.bf1.yahoo.com with NNFMP; 
23 Oct 2011 22:55:06 -0000
Received: from [] by tm11.bullet.mail.bf1.yahoo.com with NNFMP; 
23 Oct 2011 22:55:06 -0000
Received: from [] by omp1013.mail.bf1.yahoo.com with NNFMP; 23 Oct 
2011 22:55:06 -0000
X-Yahoo-Newman-Property: ymail-3
X-Yahoo-Newman-Id: 238041.63746...@omp1013.mail.bf1.yahoo.com
Received: (qmail 29507 invoked by uid 60001); 23 Oct 2011 22:55:06 -0000
DKIM-Signature: v=1; a=rsa-sha256; c=relaxed/relaxed; d=yahoo.com; s=s1024; 
t=1319410506; bh=XJJQ/YmB396NqBOhpwSOjSusj5Y10G2uHN2HxPuvKuM=; 
DomainKey-Signature:a=rsa-sha1; q=dns; c=nofws;
  s=s1024; d=yahoo.com;
X-YMail-OSG: BKV_SKIVM1mv8pAysnp4rI9ZqAk5dU_hQWcWOz_nfcynw5V
Received: from [] by web161505.mail.bf1.yahoo.com via HTTP; Sun, 
23 Oct 2011 15:55:06 PDT
X-Mailer: YahooMailWebService/
References: <1319385489.12652.ez...@texascavers.com>
Message-ID: <1319410506.21763.yahoomail...@web161505.mail.bf1.yahoo.com>
List-Post: texascavers@texascavers.com
Date: Sun, 23 Oct 2011 15:55:06 -0700 (PDT)
From: jim mccord <burnetji...@yahoo.com>
Reply-To: jim mccord <burnetji...@yahoo.com>
Subject: Re: confirm subscribe to texascavers@texascavers.com
In-Reply-To: <1319385489.12652.ez...@texascavers.com>
MIME-Version: 1.0
Content-Type: multipart/alternative; 

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

=0A=0A=0A=0A________________________________=0AFrom: "texascavers-help@texa=
scavers.com" <texascavers-h...@texascavers.com>=0ATo: burnetji...@yahoo.com=
=0ASent: Sunday, October 23, 2011 10:58 AM=0ASubject: confirm subscribe to =
texascavers@texascavers.com=0A=0AHi! This is the ezmlm program. I'm managin=
g the=0atexascav...@texascavers.com mailing list.=0A=0AI'm working for my o=
wner, who can be reached=0Aat texascavers-ow...@texascavers.com.=0A=0ATo co=
nfirm that you would like=0A=0A=A0 burnetji...@yahoo.com=0A=0Aadded to the =
texascavers mailing list, please send=0Aan empty reply to this address:=0A=
=0A=A0  texascavers-sc.1319385489.hgojcpaogeimkjfacnmb-burnetjim48=3Dyahoo.=
c...@texascavers.com=0A=0AUsually, this happens when you just hit the "reply=
" button.=0AIf this does not work, simply copy the address and paste it int=
o=0Athe "To:" field of a new message.=0A=0AThis confirmation serves two pur=
poses. First, it verifies that I am able=0Ato get mail through to you. Seco=
nd, it protects you in case someone=0Aforges a subscription request in your=
 name.=0A=0ASome mail programs are broken and cannot handle long addresses.=
 If you=0Acannot reply to this request, instead send a message to=0A<texasc=
avers-requ...@texascavers.com> and put the=0Aentire address listed above in=
to the "Subject:" line.=0A=0A=0A--- Administrative commands for the texasca=
vers list ---=0A=0AI can handle administrative requests automatically. Plea=
se=0Ado not send them to the list address! Instead, send=0Ayour message to =
the correct command address:=0A=0AFor help and a description of available c=
ommands, send a message to:=0A=A0  <texascavers-h...@texascavers.com>=0A=0A=
To subscribe to the list, send a message to:=0A=A0  <texascavers-subscribe@=
texascavers.com>=0A=0ATo remove your address from the list, just send a mes=
sage to=0Athe address in the ``List-Unsubscribe'' header of any list=0Amess=
age. If you haven't changed addresses since subscribing,=0Ayou can also sen=
d a message to:=0A=A0  <texascavers-unsubscr...@texascavers.com>=0A=0AFor a=
ddition or removal of addresses, I'll send a confirmation=0Amessage to that=
 address. When you receive it, simply reply to it=0Ato complete the transac=
tion.=0A=0AIf you need to get in touch with the human owner of this list,=
=0Aplease send a message to:=0A=0A=A0 =A0 <texascavers-ow...@texascavers.co=
m>=0A=0APlease include a FORWARDED list message with ALL HEADERS intact=0At=
o make it easier to help you.=0A=0A--- Enclosed is a copy of the request I =
received.=0A=0AReturn-Path: <burnetji...@yahoo.com>=0AReceived: (qmail 1264=
5 invoked by uid 89); 23 Oct 2011 15:58:09 -0000=0AReceived: from unknown (=
HELO nm38-vm7.bullet.mail.bf1.yahoo.com) ( by gnome.wokk=
a.org with SMTP; 23 Oct 2011 15:58:09 -0000=0AReceived: from [
2] by nm38.bullet.mail.bf1.yahoo.com with NNFMP; 23 Oct 2011 15:58:08 -0000=
=0AReceived: from [] by tm9.bullet.mail.bf1.yahoo.com with NN=
FMP; 23 Oct 2011 15:58:08 -0000=0AReceived: from [] by omp1019.mai=
l.bf1.yahoo.com with NNFMP; 23 Oct 2011 15:58:08 -0000=0AX-Yahoo-Newman-Pro=
perty: ymail-3=0AX-Yahoo-Newman-Id: 680772.76116...@omp1019.mail.bf1.yahoo.=
com=0AReceived: (qmail 89059 invoked by uid 60001); 23 Oct 2011 15:58:08 -0=
000=0ADKIM-Signature: v=3D1; a=3Drsa-sha256; c=3Drelaxed/relaxed; d=3Dyahoo=
.com; s=3Ds1024; t=3D1319385488; bh=3D0HXRp5CUWXiJDpSdt555JorB7UxsupvwDNN3k=
Clvv2U=3D; h=3DX-YMail-OSG:Received:X-Mailer:Message-ID:Date:From:Reply-To:=
Subject:To:MIME-Version:Content-Type; b=3Dc6ZqpacOo4fPKjdBtPch8bsPuHXYSJjE0=
Key-Signature:a=3Drsa-sha1; q=3Ddns; c=3Dnofws;=0A=A0 s=3Ds1024; d=3Dyahoo.=
com;=0A=A0 h=3DX-YMail-OSG:Received:X-Mailer:Message-ID:Date:From:Reply-To:=
Subject:To:MIME-Version:Content-Type;=0A=A0 b=3DFYG8vlpTXB0TD/Vtrq8bjBdCqC+=
=0AX-YMail-OSG: kKUN.bsVM1lJAKBYbkFrI5g3pNR5VQEqq7guFiyRd63bqqN=0AAfsVwTcx4=
5ub=0AReceived: from [] by web161507.mail.bf1.yahoo.com via HT=
TP; Sun, 23 Oct 2011 08:58:08 PDT=0AX-Mailer: YahooMailWebService/
17681=0AMessage-ID: <1319385488.85572.yahoomail...@web161507.mail.bf1.yahoo=
.com>=0ADate: Sun, 23 Oct 2011 08:58:08 -0700 (PDT)=0AFrom: jim mccord <bur=
netji...@yahoo.com>=0AReply-To: jim mccord <burnetji...@yahoo.com>=0ASubjec=
t: subscribe=0ATo: "texascavers-subscr...@texascavers.com" <texascavers-sub=
scr...@texascavers.com>=0AMIME-Version: 1.0=0AContent-Type: multipart/alter=
native; boundary=3D"1291858543-1214083324-1319385488=3D:85572"=0A=0A--12918=
58543-1214083324-1319385488=3D:85572=0AContent-Type: text/plain; charset=3D=
us-ascii=0A=0A--1291858543-1214083324-1319385488=3D:85572=0AContent-Type: t=
ext/html; charset=3Dus-ascii=0A=0A<html><body><div style=3D"color:#000; bac=
kground-color:#fff; font-family:times new roman, new york, times, serif;fon=
Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

<html><body><div style=3D"color:#000; background-color:#fff; font-family:ti=
mes new roman, new york, times, serif;font-size:12pt"><div><span></span></d=
iv><div><br></div><div style=3D"font-family: times new roman, new york, tim=
es, serif; font-size: 12pt;"><div style=3D"font-family: times new roman, ne=
w york, times, serif; font-size: 12pt;"><font size=3D"2" face=3D"Arial"><di=
v style=3D"margin: 5px 0px; padding: 0px; border: 1px solid rgb(204, 204, 2=
04); height: 0px; line-height: 0; font-size: 0px;" class=3D"hr" contentEdit=
able=3D"false" readonly=3D"true"></div><b><span style=3D"font-weight: bold;=
">From:</span></b> "texascavers-h...@texascavers.com" &lt;texascavers-help@=
texascavers.com&gt;<br><b><span style=3D"font-weight: bold;">To:</span></b>=
 burnetji...@yahoo.com<br><b><span style=3D"font-weight: bold;">Sent:</span=
></b> Sunday, October 23, 2011 10:58 AM<br><b><span style=3D"font-weight: b=
old;">Subject:</span></b> confirm subscribe to texascavers@texascavers.com<=
 This is the ezmlm program. I'm managing the<br><a href=3D"mailto:texascave=
r...@texascavers.com" ymailto=3D"mailto:texascavers@texascavers.com";>texascav=
e...@texascavers.com</a> mailing list.<br><br>I'm working for my owner, who =
can be reached<br>at <a href=3D"mailto:texascavers-ow...@texascavers.com"; y=
cavers.com</a>.<br><br>To confirm that you would like<br><br>&nbsp;  <a hre=
f=3D"mailto:burnetji...@yahoo.com"; ymailto=3D"mailto:burnetji...@yahoo.com"=
>burnetji...@yahoo.com</a><br><br>added to the texascavers mailing list, pl=
ease send<br>an empty reply to this address:<br><br>&nbsp;  texascavers-sc.=
1319385489.hgojcpaogeimkjfacnmb-burnetjim48=3D<a href=3D"mailto:yahoo.com@t=
exascavers.com" ymailto=3D"mailto:yahoo....@texascavers.com";>yahoo.com@texa=
scavers.com</a><br><br>Usually, this happens when you just hit the "reply" =
button.<br>If this does not work, simply copy the address and paste it into=
 "To:" field of a new message.<br><br>This confirmation serves two purposes=
. First, it verifies that I am able<br>to get mail through to you. Second, =
it protects you in case someone<br>forges a subscription request in your na=
me.<br><br>Some mail programs are broken and cannot handle long addresses. =
If you<br>cannot reply to this request, instead send a message to<br>&lt;<a=
 href=3D"mailto:texascavers-requ...@texascavers.com"; ymailto=3D"mailto:texa=
; and put the<br>entire address listed above into the "Subject:" line.<br><=
br><br>--- Administrative commands for the texascavers list ---<br><br>I ca=
n handle administrative requests automatically. Please<br>do not send them =
to the list address! Instead, send<br>your message to the correct command a=
ddress:<br><br>For help and a description of available commands, send a mes=
sage to:<br>&nbsp;  &lt;<a
 href=3D"mailto:texascavers-h...@texascavers.com"; ymailto=3D"mailto:texasca=
To subscribe to the list, send a message to:<br>&nbsp;  &lt;<a href=3D"mail=
to:texascavers-subscr...@texascavers.com" ymailto=3D"mailto:texascavers-sub=
r>To remove your address from the list, just send a message to<br>the addre=
ss in the ``List-Unsubscribe'' header of any list<br>message. If you haven'=
t changed addresses since subscribing,<br>you can also send a message to:<b=
r>&nbsp;  &lt;<a href=3D"mailto:texascavers-unsubscr...@texascavers.com"; ym=
cr...@texascavers.com</a>&gt;<br><br>For addition or removal of addresses, =
I'll send a confirmation<br>message to that address. When you receive it, s=
imply reply to it<br>to complete the transaction.<br><br>If you need to get=
 touch with the human owner of this list,<br>please send a message to:<br><=
br>&nbsp; &nbsp; &lt;<a href=3D"mailto:texascavers-ow...@texascavers.com"; y=
cavers.com</a>&gt;<br><br>Please include a FORWARDED list message with ALL =
HEADERS intact<br>to make it easier to help you.<br><br>--- Enclosed is a c=
opy of the request I received.<br><br>Return-Path: &lt;<a href=3D"mailto:bu=
rnetji...@yahoo.com" ymailto=3D"mailto:burnetji...@yahoo.com";>burnetjim48@y=
ahoo.com</a>&gt;<br>Received: (qmail 12645 invoked by uid 89); 23 Oct 2011 =
15:58:09 -0000<br>Received: from unknown (HELO nm38-vm7.bullet.mail.bf1.yah=
oo.com) (<br>&nbsp; by gnome.wokka.org with SMTP; 23 Oct 2011 =
15:58:09 -0000<br>Received: from [] by nm38.bullet.mail.bf1.y=
ahoo.com with NNFMP; 23 Oct 2011 15:58:08 -0000<br>Received: from [98.139.2=
12.210] by tm9.bullet.mail.bf1.yahoo.com with NNFMP; 23 Oct 2011 15:58:08
 -0000<br>Received: from [] by omp1019.mail.bf1.yahoo.com with NNF=
MP; 23 Oct 2011 15:58:08 -0000<br>X-Yahoo-Newman-Property: ymail-3<br>X-Yah=
oo-Newman-Id: <a href=3D"mailto:680772.76116...@omp1019.mail.bf1.yahoo.com"=
.b...@omp1019.mail.bf1.yahoo.com</a><br>Received: (qmail 89059 invoked by uid=
 60001); 23 Oct 2011 15:58:08 -0000<br>DKIM-Signature: v=3D1; a=3Drsa-sha25=
6; c=3Drelaxed/relaxed; d=3Dyahoo.com; s=3Ds1024; t=3D1319385488; bh=3D0HXR=
p5CUWXiJDpSdt555JorB7UxsupvwDNN3kClvv2U=3D; h=3DX-YMail-OSG:Received:X-Mail=
er:Message-ID:Date:From:Reply-To:Subject:To:MIME-Version:Content-Type; b=3D=
Vl2GKoy83SJ3zIM79u1P8=3D<br>DomainKey-Signature:a=3Drsa-sha1; q=3Ddns; c=3D=
nofws;<br>&nbsp; s=3Ds1024; d=3Dyahoo.com;<br>&nbsp;
:MIME-Version:Content-Type;<br>&nbsp; b=3DFYG8vlpTXB0TD/Vtrq8bjBdCqC+zmC+HA=
ail-OSG: kKUN.bsVM1lJAKBYbkFrI5g3pNR5VQEqq7guFiyRd63bqqN<br> AfsVwTcx4r_Dca=
MbKwdl1GToxvRfIWq5xLtA6Ugm_RqERnshOdzYoBMTUPB6<br> U7d5C_N6.NJrQydZ1BX.8yl5=
m96h6HTHj3Z3tA3yCu0AoAAjlXV7NVyKnpRN<br> AynDsD9asiOOC030svn7J42RvRXMjBdoP0=
SUtPcf.CQGJdi97PhdtxlMXSR.<br> H2t8y3HZZ.odEclzZ362L0PXeBkES_IBKjB9OqwJIwkq=
bU3ixPgSDuMSIyap<br> M9SRAZmahoSaMhlaCQDLCpGV.2wmHADwN_alQPzKVtTgQ88bGIlUE_=
qbIVeP<br> MF61v3s8we9qHKxokDqH1w5sdPeYym42IOi3yFzRzxA7kY9InfFI61Qv4yux<br>=
 dlzQMH5ub<br>Received: from [] by web161507.mail.bf1.yahoo.co=
m via HTTP; Sun, 23 Oct 2011 08:58:08 PDT<br>X-Mailer: YahooMailWebService/=<br>Message-ID: &lt;<a
ate: Sun, 23 Oct 2011 08:58:08 -0700 (PDT)<br>From: jim mccord &lt;<a href=
=3D"mailto:burnetji...@yahoo.com"; ymailto=3D"mailto:burnetji...@yahoo.com";>=
burnetji...@yahoo.com</a>&gt;<br>Reply-To: jim mccord &lt;<a href=3D"mailto=
:burnetji...@yahoo.com" ymailto=3D"mailto:burnetji...@yahoo.com";>burnetjim4=
8...@yahoo.com</a>&gt;<br>Subject: subscribe<br>To: "<a href=3D"mailto:texasca=
vers-subscr...@texascavers.com" ymailto=3D"mailto:texascavers-subscribe@tex=
ascavers.com">texascavers-subscr...@texascavers.com</a>" &lt;<a href=3D"mai=
lto:texascavers-subscr...@texascavers.com" ymailto=3D"mailto:texascavers-su=
IME-Version: 1.0<br>Content-Type: multipart/alternative;
-1214083324-1319385488=3D:85572<br>Content-Type: text/plain; charset=3Dus-a=
scii<br><br>--1291858543-1214083324-1319385488=3D:85572<br>Content-Type: te=
xt/html; charset=3Dus-ascii<br><br>&lt;html&gt;&lt;body&gt;&lt;div style=3D=
"color:#000; background-color:#fff; font-family:times new roman, new york, =
times, serif;font-size:12pt"&gt;&lt;div&gt;&lt;/div&gt;&lt;/div&gt;&lt;/bod=

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