


Submitted for your approval, here is the tentative agenda for our bright and 
early business meeting at TCR, Sunday, October 16th at the glorious hour of 8 


It will be held near, but, not too close to the TCMA Breakfast Sunday morning.


It will be held to under an hour, in order to allow the timely start of the 
TCMA meeting immediately afterwards.


Please look this over and let me know if you have any questions, changes, 
additions, subtractions, etc. that need to be made before the meeting.

















2011 Fall Business Meeting, Spring Convention at Flat Creek Ranch, TX, Sunday, 
October 16th, 2011, Texas Speleological Association





*       Welcome and Introductions 


*       Chairman's Report 


*       Vice Chairman's Report 


·         Secretary's Report  - Minutes of 2011 Spring Business Meeting held at 
Fort Clark Springs.


*       Treasurers Report 

·         Cost overrun issues with 50th Anniversary TEXAS CAVER newsletter. 

·         Sponsorship of the NSS BOG meeting in Houston, October 21st thru 23rd.



·         TSA Projects - Jim Kennedy 

                *       Gov't Canyon - Marvin Miller
                *       Colorado Bend State Park  - Crash
                *       Longhorn Cavern Project is On! (We have TPWD Approval!) 
- Mark Alman
                *       Inner Space Caverns Project (Starting in this Fall) - 
Gerry Geletzke & Mark Alman

§  Natural Bridge Caverns - In discussion with Brian Vauter and Owners

                *       Hill Country State Natural Area & Devils River - Rob 
Bissett and Joe Ranzau
                *       Future Project Ideas 


*       Standing Committee Reports 


        *       TSA Website - Butch Fralia 
        *       TSA Election Committee - Ron Ralph and Ann Scott
        *       Membership Chair - Open
        *       Conservation Committee - Open and Jim Kennedy (WNS Update)
        *       Safety and Techniques - David Ochel 
        *       Publications - Mark Alman 
        *       TSA Store - Lee Jay Graves


*       Old Business 


·         2011 TSA Spring Convention in Brackettville - No agenda was 
available, due to Chairman being in hospital, so items from it are listed below.


*       New Business


        *       A New Committee is Born! - The Fundraising/Grant  Committee - 
Julia Germany
        *       2012 TSA Spring Convention

o   TSA Brochure 

o   Membership Drive  

o   Need for a Winter Business Meeting?


*       Announcements?



*       End of Meeting (Let's go home or to the TCMA meeting!)











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