This is a rough draft.

Year 23

Conversation between host and cavers:

Host:    Folks I am having a feast in the year 25,
             two years from now.

Caver #1:    Yo, homey, you ain't with the Roman Empire.

Host:           Yeh, but this is special feast.

Caver #2:    Dude, get with the program.   You are going
                    about it all wrong.

Host:           I have special fish.

Caver # 3    We ain't riding our camels across the scorchin'
                   desert for your stinkin fish.

Host:          I have a fancy grill.

Caver # 4    Dude, your missing the point.   We don't eat fish.
                   We only eat butterfly pasta with tofu.

Host:         But you have never had fish like this.

Caver # 5    Stop pestering us about this.

Year 24

Host:            The big feast is just a year away.

Caver # 6:      Who the f*ck are you ?   What gives you
                       the right?

Host:         The cavers here need a feast.

Caver # 7     You ain't playing with a full-deck dude.
                    The date of your feast is ridiculous.

Host:         But I have other places to be on the other
                side of the country.

Caver # 8     We are tired of hearing about your drama.
                   It is all about, "look at me, look what I am doing."

Host:      I am just having a big feast for crying out loud.
                Why all the fuss?

Caver # 9     Dude I am out of here.    We are done talking.

Year 25

Host:       Feast a success.    Thanks for coming.

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