

Since you probably know by now that I was involved in an epic battle in
Del Rio between my kidney stones and morphine, which I'm happy to say
has reached a truce, and couldn't attend the Business Meeting, I thought
I would chime in.


Please delete, if you could care less!








(Convened at TSA Spring Convention at Fort Clark Springs,
Brackettville). Submitted by Denise Prendergast

Officers Present: Ellie Thoene, Vice-Chairman; Michael Cicherski,
Treasurer; Denise Prendergast, Secretary

Officers Absent: Mark Alman, Chairman


TSA Members and Cavers in Attendance: Katie Ahrens, Ron Ralph, Diane
Ralph, Lee Jay Graves, Jacqui Thomas, Bill Russell,

Logan McNatt, Orion Knox, Carl Kunath, Linda Palit, John Moses, Marvin
Miller, Bill Bentley, Christi Burrell, Joe Ranzau, Dave

McClung, Eric Bixby, Melissa Hamilton


Welcome and Introductions/Chairman's Report: (Thoene and Cicherski).
Thoene convened meeting at 5:04 pm. Because Mark

Alman had to leave convention unexpectedly (kidney stones), she was next
in line and turning meeting over to Cicherski to run.

Cicherski said he is not good at Robert's Rules of Order, so please cut
him some slack or let him know how to proceed.


Vice-Chairman's Report: (Thoene). Thoene thanked everybody for coming to
the TSA spring convention.


Secretary's Report: (Prendergast). Minutes from the Winter Meeting were
not available so approving them was deferred to the next meeting.


Treasurer's Report: (Cicherski). Cicherski handed out a Treasurer's
Report (one table with years 2007 through 2010 and another

with monthly details for 2010). We should do OK financially at
convention, about 101 people signed up, do not yet have cooks'



o The summary for years 2007 through 2010 showed that the TSA budgets
and actually spends anywhere from approximately $6500 to $8900 each
year. The Texas Caver is the major expense, with annual costs ranging
from approximately $2600 to


o Through 12/31/2011, the TSA had assets of $8,775.06.

o There are 143 current paid members with 57 receiving on-line only
versions of The Texas Caver.

o Income totaled $10,040.36 for 2010, with expenses totaling $8,589.07
(positive variance of $1.451.29).

o The TSA store brought in $1,163.62 in 2010.


Standing Committee Reports


TSA Projects - (Cicherski). Jim Kennedy absent, so Marvin Miller
discussed Government Canyon. Just had their 100th trip

celebration, and it was a great success. TSA donated $150 to it, and so
did Bexar Grotto. Lots of work to do out there. 


Cicherski said that Longhorn Caverns is on hold awaiting TPWD approval.


Ron Ralph said that Devil's River State Natural Area is now under state
control, and we are working with TPWD on an MOA to begin a karst survey.
Hope to start up in the fall. Linda Palit said we may need

a new person to head up that project, nothing official yet.


Lee Jay said that Colorado Bend State Park has had a lot of people
participating, last trip of the year in May or June.


                *       Inner Space Caverns Project (Starting in
September) - Planning on cranking up in September, with help from Gerry
Geletzke and James Jasek (once he recovers from his heart surgery).



TSA Website - (Cicherski). Butch Fralia absent, and Cicherski not sure
of status.


Membership Committee - (Cicherski). Ryan Monjaras absent, so Cicherski
discussed. Got about 25 renewals today, but many people are not
renewing. The officers need to see if Ryan needs help to increase


                                                If you're interested in
helping Ryan out with this, please let me know and, please, plug the NSS
and TSA at your Grotto meetings!


                                                It also was approved at
the TSA Winter meeting at the TSA offices that new members would receive
a TSA Texas Bat sticker, as an added goodie. New members currently
receive the latest newsletter, as well. If you haven't received yours,
let me know!



Conservation Committee - Chair not here, no comments. Open. Anyone


Safety and Techniques - Chair not here, no comments. David Ochel
conducted a Vertical Fine Tuning course during the meeting and before
supper. It was a great success, from what I heard. Thanks, David!


Publications - Chair not here, no comments. Still mailing out ~100
issues per run. Not burned out, yet, but, damn, I need material!


TSA Store - (Graves). Lee Jay said that business has been moderate at
convention. We are getting new Texas bat stickers. If anyone

wants patches, they should discuss with him. He would like a new TSA
banner. Joe Ranzau said they cost from $300 to $400. Lee Jay

asked Cicherski if he thought we could afford it, and Cicherski said
yes. A motion was made to purchase a TSA store sign for up to

$350, seconded, and it passed with no objections.


                                A big thanks and hats off to the TSA's
biggest unsung hero, Lee Jay, for managing the store and dragging the
contents to each caver event in Texas. Mucho gracias, Lee Jay!



Old Business


Cicherski said we already discussed Government Canyon, no other old




New Business


TSA Brochure - (Cicherski). Cicherski not sure of this, so tabled until
next meeting.


                We really need one, both for in print and online. Any
takers on spearheading this? Gill?


50th Issue of The Texas Caver - (Cicherski). Cicherski discussed the
background. In 2005, it was the 50th Issue of The Texas Caver.

When approached by Carl Kunath and Jerry Atkinson about the TSA covering
the costs, because it was estimated at $1200 to $1500,

the officers thought it was not a good idea. Kunath said that his email
on Texascavers (i.e. Cavetex) had summed up the main issues.

In 2004, only a few issues of The Texas Caver were produced, and the
members are owed these back issues. Chris Vreeland produced

one of the lost issues a few years back, and now Carl and Atkinson have
the last one ready. The usual printer of The Texas Caver had

quoted them a price of $5.80 per copy with a minimum order of 150
copies. With proofing and shipping costs, the total came to about

$8.22 per copy, for a total of approximately $1200 (including costs to
mail to members). He was not sure of how many members there

were in 2005, maybe 175, but some would probably not want a hard copy.
Some new members may want one. This is a

commemorative issue, a retrospect on Texas caving. Linda Palit said that
distributing it at TCR might save some costs of shipping to

members. Kunath said additional copies would be print on demand at the
same cost. He said that this issue was voted on and approved

in 2007, although costs were not discussed back then. Allan Cobb had
pledged a $300 donation by TCR. Knox said that there is a draft

being shown in the room on a computer, and it looks like the best issue
ever. Cicherski discussed that the officers had been concerned

this was an unbudgeted item for 2011, and we have a responsibility to
our members to be fiscally sound. This item would expend

nearly 15% of our current assets. Folks discussed ideas to save costs.
Cicherski said that he had heard people expressing concern that

there was a limited pool of people who got to contribute articles, and
Kunath responded that he had been soliciting articles from many

people for 3 to 4 years, and did not get back many responses. A motion
was made with various amendments to publish 150 copies of

the 50th anniversary issue, free to 2005 members, distributed first at
TCR (and then mailed to 2005 members who did not get it at

TCR), available to all TSA members on line, sold to anybody else who was
not a 2005 member (at a to-be-determined by the Board

cost). The motion was made, seconded, and passed with no objections.


                I was happy to hear that this issue, in particular, and
the meeting in general was discussed in a civil, productive, and
respective manner and without any derisive comments about the TSA and
past/present officers.


                Speleopolitics and general nastiness is good for nothing
and no one.


                Carl and I are working with the printer on this
newsletter and an online version will be placed on the TSA website, once
Carl has shipped it to Butch.






Ron Ralph invited folks to the TPWD meeting regarding the Devil's River
State Natural Area.


Adjourn Meeting

Cicherski made the motion to conclude meeting at6:04 pm. Seconded and
motion carried.



Thanks for your attendance, support, and interest in all things TSA!


We're all in this cave together and we're here to support all grottos,
projects, and activities related to caving in the wonderful state of

Get involved, send me reports, and have a safe and enjoyable summer.



See you at TCR and keep posting those trip announcements!











From: Denise P [] 
Sent: Friday, April 22, 2011 11:16 AM
To: TexasCavers
Subject: [Texascavers] TSA Spring Meeting Minutes


Howdy Cavers - Enjoy!
<> .
TSA Secretary

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