At tomorrow's Bexar Grotto meeting, Alan Montemayor will be presenting slides 
of his recent trip, where he and his wife Cheryl Hamilton spent 49
days in South Africa,
 Lesotho, Swaziland,
 Botswana, and

They did a self-drive safari in 4WD Toyota 
pickup trucks equipped with rooftop tents.  Along the way, they visited shelter 
caves in
 Lesotho and
 Namibia that contained rock art from
ancient Africans, visited Kruger 
 National Game 
 Park in South
 Africa , Etosha
 Game Park in
 Namibia , the red sand dunes
of the Namib Desert and Fish 
 Canyon (the Grand Canyon
of Namibia).  We can expect to see photos of wild animals including Lion, 
Leopard, Cheetah,
Elephant, Cape Buffalo, Rhinoceros, Hippopotamus, Giraffe, Ostrich, Hyena, 
Kudu, Wildebeest, Warthog, and many other hoofed beasts.

A good time will be had by all in attendance...the Bexar Grotto meets at 
Chester's Hamburgers (NW corner of Hwy 281 and Thousand Oaks Dr) at 7:00 pm on 
the second and fourth Monday of each month.  


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