Very cool Logan! I spent some time with Jacques Chabert at the Vercor
Speleo film festival in France in the 1980s, then corresponded with him a
bit in 2008. And, of course, caught up with Michel Siffre at the ICS in

On 8/29/14, 10:58 PM, "Logan McNatt via Texascavers"
<> wrote:

>Thanks Carl, for all that great historical information and photo.
>I see that Michel Siffre and his right-hand man Gerard Cappa signed the
>register. I had not seen them since the 1972 Midnight Cave project when
>Pete Strickland and I and other cavers helped Gerard, Jacques Chabert and
>crew dismantle the cave camp. In '72 Gerard spoke no English and I
>spoke no French, so our communications about the tasks at hand were
>limited to primitive verbal noises, animated gestures, and crude sketches
>the dirt. Since then Michel & Gerard had spent a lot of time in Mexico
>and Guatemala, so Gerard had learned Spanish, and I knew some. We had
>great fun finally explaining to each other what we had been trying to say
>in 1972!
>Logan McNatt
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