butch, thank you for the beautiful announcement.  I could never have made it 
that pretty — YAY
On Sep 4, 2014, at 9:38 PM, Butch Fralia (CAVEDBA) via Texascavers 
<texascavers@texascavers.com<mailto:texascavers@texascavers.com>> wrote:


After a lot of hard work, a graphic design from Grace Borengasser, code design 
from Christopher  Francke,  proof reading and many text corrections by Katie 
Arens and additional trouble shooting by David McKenzie the Texas Speleological 
Survey has a new website online.  It was never my intention that old blue would 
stay around as long as it did but I'm a techie not a graphics designer.  Now 
with the combination of all those talents it's new and beautiful!

There's a new online data submission to send data to the TSS and the PDF is 
still available.  http://www.texasspeleologicalsurvey.org/data_submit/submit.php

There's a new page where you download David McKenzie's WallsMap program, great 
for projects and sharing data with the TSS.  

Come check us out, comment and make suggestions for material you like to see 
online.   http://www.texasspeleologicalsurvey.org/

Butch Fralia
3412 Walton Ave.
Fort Worth, TX 76133-2230
(Home) 817 346-2039
(Cell) 817 229-7693

Texascavers mailing list | http://texascavers.com
Texascavers@texascavers.com<mailto:Texascavers@texascavers.com> | Archives: 

Katherine Arens Office Phone: (512) 232-6363
ar...@austin.utexas.edu<mailto:ar...@austin.utexas.edu> Dept. Phone:  (512) 
Dept. of Germanic Studies FAX (512) 471-4025
2505 University Ave, C3300  Bldg.Location:  Burdine 336
University of Texas at Austin Office:  Burdine 320
Austin, TX  78712-1802

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