In an effort to stop this past thread from getting out of control, I would
to butt in.

I deny any wrongdoing.     The facts are below:

1.    I have spent less than 20 minutes visiting someone in the hospital.
2.    I have not had any conversations with anyone except the patient's
3.    I have never met anyone else in the patient's family.   ( Although, I
do recall
      the patient bringing her brother to a caving meeting a few years ago.
4.    At least one caver is making some assumptions and over-reacting, as
      patient's mother asked me to sign the guest book, and encouraged me to
      talk to the patient.

5.    The patient and I made up long ago.    Neither of us hold a grudge.
 I invited
       her to accompany me on every road-trip I made recently to Kiwi Sink.

6.    Things are not black & white.    I walked into a situation with
       complicated variables and had to access the situation.   The
patient's mother
       told me to come back as soon as she was at TIRR.    Maybe she was
       being polite.    That is not something to analyze or interpret or

On a related note,

7.    Bill was my favorite person on earth for about 20 years.    He has
       dropped to # 4, behind Swiss Jetman Yves Rossy, and the Brit Wingman,
       Gary Connery, and Elon Musk, the Space Pioneer.
8.    Fritz, Don, Carl, Sheryl, Mixon, Crash, etc. are also high on my list
of favorite
       people.    All of you
       are on my list of people I like or admire in one way or another.   Only
one CaveTex        follower is not on that list, but I would still go
       caving with him, if I had to.   I have never seen him post anything.
   He behaves,
       like an internet troll.

9.    I do not live in Harris County.    I avoid Harris County, except when
my work
      takes me there, which unfortunately is daily.
10.  From 1989 to 1994, I was a dedicated active member of the caving club
      in Harris County.    I have not been affiliated with that group
since, but did attend
      meetings in the late 90's.   I am completely out of the loop on the
affairs of
      cavers in Harris County.   I have no immediate intentions of changing
11.   I have spent much of my energy focused entirely on the East Texas
       Cookout, because back in the late-90's, it was a great idea.    But
       I am going to have to go back to the drawing board on that.
12.   I did create the NSS Google+ Page and I am proud of that, but the
       eventually decided it should not be in my hands or based out of
Arcola, Texas.              That doesn't bother me.   I have moved on to
other stuff.
13.   Anyone that wants to be my friend, and can get past my
eccentricities, will
       find that I am not a loose cannon, but a helpful sincere friend.
14.   I love caves.

David Locklear
caver in Fort Bend County, Texas

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