George Paul and I are so thrilled to hear this news.  We are continuing to
keep her and her folks and Caleb in our thoughts and prayers.

On Aug 11, 2013 8:53 AM, "Emily McGowan" <> wrote:

> From her father, Steve:
> Today was a good day. When Caleb and I got to the hospital, Mallory was
> like
> a totally different person. She was happy to see us, and talked to us. An
> actual, real conversation. She inquired several times about the condition
> of
> Rex, who had been involved in the accident. We finally agreed to call him
> and let her talk to him. Not sure how well he could hear her, but she
> responded to him several times. She was very relieved to find out he was
> OK.
> She was totally coherent this morning, and asked a lot of questions. She
> was
> relieved to find out that she was not "crazy," as she put it. Apparently,
> she thought that she had lost her mind. We told her she would recover
> completely, but when I left the room for a little while, she told Caleb she
> needed to heal, and that she knew that I was not telling the truth when I
> said she'd fully recover in a few months.
> It was a pleasure being around her most of the day. Then, late in the
> afternoon, she became highly agitated and very upset. We wheeled her up and
> down the hall to try to calm her down, but she wasn't having any of it. She
> kept asking for "help," and asking "Why?" over and over. At one point, when
> she kept saying "help," Caleb said to her, "I'm helping as much as I can."
> She turned to him and said, "I know, Caleb, but you're not helping much." A
> few minutes later, she was asking "Why?" over and over, and after a few
> minutes of Why, Why, Why, I told her, "So that when it's over, we can
> appreciate how good things are." She looked me in the eye and said, "Well,
> that sucks." It was hard not to laugh.
> She calmed down after that, and when we left she was in her bed and doing
> well. She has improved tremendously just in the last 24 hours. If she keeps
> things up at this rate, and someone wants to call it a miracle, I won't
> argue the point. When we first arrived, we'd have to lean in to her to hear
> what she was saying. By afternoon, her voice was strong enough for both of
> us to hear her from normal distance. We were also told that during her OT
> session, she walked while pushing (and holding on to) a shopping cart.
> Yesterday, she could only walk with a therapist under each arm (she moved
> her legs, but they did the actual walking).
> Yes, today was a good day.
> Steve
> Vickie took a break today and stayed home and handled paperwork. She came
> in
> late this afternoon and can verify that we're not making this up.
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