>From her brother, Caleb:

I'm thinking of a person who can brush her teeth on her own and hold
conversations. I'm thinking of a person who can talk on the telephone. If
you haven't guessed it yet, you haven't been paying much attention - It's

Steve, Vickie, and Caleb went to see Mal today, and it was another really
good day for her! After sleeping late (it was a Sunday morning after all),
she got up and started having pretty normal conversation throughout the
morning. She was generally upbeat and animated, talking about various
things, and making a whole lot of sense. No PT today, because they let the
patients take it a little bit easier on weekends. A lot of times you can
really see Mal's personality still shine through in her choice of words and
expressions. It's incredibly relieving to see Mal start to resemble her old

After talking and sitting up all morning, she soaked up some Texas culture
and took a siesta. Sitting up and talking for several hours will simply wear
her out in her current condition, but we're supposed to keep her up and
stimulated for periods throughout the day. She "needs to heal," as she puts
it. In the afternoon she wasn't quite as lively or upbeat, but she didn't
get nearly as unhappy, incoherent, or upset as yesterday afternoon. She'd
still make sense, but started to realize how much her situation...well,
sucks. To put everything in perspective, she'll still get confused quite
often and sometimes upset, thinking that maybe she has some sisters, or
mixing up people, or just not making sense. On the whole though, she's doing
great, and making significant improvements every day. 

She repeatedly asked about Rex, and now is starting to mention and talk
about other people too. She's called several people on the phone now (well,
we dialed the number for her), but her voice is strong enough to be heard on
the other end of the phone line. It'll still be soft for a while, as the
trach tube is still in her throat. The consensus amongst the medical staff
is that the trach will probably get taken out later this week.

We've started taking notes on all the funny things Mal says. She's a hoot!
>From "Monica Lewinski - she is no good." to "Bless her heart, she tries so
hard, but that girl is annoying. I'm sure she's nice." After Mal
demonstrated that she can easily grab a stuffed bat and hold up however many
fingers we asked her to, we told Mal about how we celebrated her being able
to reach for a stuffed bay only a few days ago. "Y'all must not have had
much to celebrate" she replied. There are about a dozen other funny quotes
from Mal, but alas, I don't have the list in front of me.

In the late afternoon, she told me "Dunn Tower" a couple of times. The words
"Dunn Tower" are written on the wall above some doors at the end of the
hall. "Mal, did you read Dunn Tower or did you hear it somewhere?" Mal:
<pauses and frumbles her brow in thought> "I read it." To verify, Mom and I
held up a magazine and asked her to read the words from the cover, which she
did without hesitation. She can read! This is amazing - a week ago we never
would have expected improvements this rapid.

What will she be up to next? Stay tuned!

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