


-----Original Message-----
From: Gary McDaniel <scar...@gmail.com>
To: Gill Edigar <gi...@att.net>
Cc: Cavers Texas <texascavers@texascavers.com>
Sent: Sat, Aug 24, 2013 4:03 pm
Subject: Re: [Texascavers] Update ver 3.5

How's the pooping?


On Aug 24, 2013, at 2:54 PM, Gill Edigar <gi...@att.net> wrote:

3-1/2 week update (24 Aug 2013). Last Wednesday made 3 weeks since I fell. For 
the most part there was not much pain after the first week--which included, of 
course, some high-powered prescription drugs, none of which I liked very much 
for their many negative side effects. By the time 3 weeks had passed I'd 
abandoned the scripts and was just taking OTC 200mg ibuprofen. By Wednesday 
last I'd also abandoned those, as well, except I took one at bedtime last night 
on account of being tired after futzing around most of the day and helping 
Galen with his bumper project--mostly doing design work. I still can't lay on 
my side without getting the feeling I'm overstressing something that's not 
quite ready to be stressed so I sleep on my back in the hospital bed adjusted 
with the head end a bit elevated. I normally never sleep on my back--except 
when taking a nap on the couch and want to wake up soon. Last Monday I walked 6 
blocks to the CVS and back and Wednesday hiked about a half mile from Sao Paulo 
cafe to the Grotto (cave club) meeting and then back again after the meeting to 
the Posse for a cold beer, the first alcohol of any kind I'd drunk since the 
fall. Yesterday I had a Ranger beer and hardly noticed it. Also, last Wednesday 
I got Galen to cut off the skraggly-ass hair I'd been growing since the 2012 
NSS Convention. The last few days I've had but very little sensitivity to any 
kind of stress or movement. I can tell the ribs are still weak but they seem to 
be mending beyond my expectations. Maybe I'll be ready to get back to physical 
labor in 2 more weeks.

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