I hope Moni knows about David !


From: David Locklear [mailto:dlocklea...@gmail.com] 
Sent: Wednesday, June 19, 2013 1:50 PM
To: CaveTex
Subject: [Texascavers] Re: tourist capacity

Since tourist have to stay on the trail, you first have to calculate the
area in square meters of the entire trail.   Presume it is just a very long
rectangle.   Then imagine each tourist is a circle with a diameter of 1

So how many 1 meter diameter circles can you fit in the imaginary rectangle

Then you have to multiply number that by 0.80 because 20 % of the passage
will have natural and man-made obstacles.

Then you have to consider are there wheel-chaired tourist.  And is the path
one-way or two-way or three-way.

And you have to figure in how many restrooms you have, how fast the tour
moves.  And how many emergency exits are there ?   Or if there is a
"teleferico" or elevator.

And with any math #, you just have to multiply or divide the traditional pi
number to get a number that sounds logical.

The number always comes out to be around 100, plus or minus one.

David Locklear

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