Hey Y'all,

I've managed to plan a 5 week trip where I'll miss 4 grotto meetings,
impressive no?  Since I'm going to be too busy caving and touristing in
Europe, this is your grotto announcements for the next month.  The meetings
are also on the grotto calendar: http://www.utgrotto.org/schedule.asp

*July 17th*: Jim Kennedy is going to share photos and stories from the
recent trip to Laguna de Sanchez in Mexico
*July 31st*: Anna Klis is presenting about caving with the Cave Research
Foundation (CRF), which I think she is currently on that trip.
*August 7th*: James Brown is going to play the Honey Creek video created
from the big push in January and will take questions

For information on Underground Texas Grotto activities, please see

Before the meetings, take advantage of Sao Paulo  www.saopaulos.net  for
happy hour specials.  This area is the best place to park and meet folks
walking over to the meeting.  Then after the official meeting, we continue
with the decades long tradition to reconvene for burgers, beer, and tall
tales of caving at Posse East.  www.posse-east.com

Andrea Croskrey
UT Grotto Vice Chair

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