European cavers apparently get together once a year at an old fort in
Belgium called Barchon, and they do a lot of fun sewerlunking.    The video
below shows some of that and has some interesting shots.

I am guessing many of you have not seen the short video clip below.
( I believe it was uploaded by caver, William Quast. )

I enjoyed it very much and have showed it to all my caving friends.

The video appears to star, cave-digger Ron Rutherford.

One of the latest caving videos uploaded to YouTube, shows 5 young tourist
in flip-flops each with one inexpensive flashlight, going into a cave that
I believe is
in the southern Philipines along the northern coast of the island of

Just watch the video from 53 seconds to 1 minute.

Speaking of people going into caves unprepared,

the new video below
shows 3 people rappelling down a cliff into a small cave.     I think the
is wearing flip-flops, and the 2 guys are in tennis shoes.    They have the
rope tied off in 3 places with webbing, but it looks funky.   None of them
are wearing helmets.    I am guessing they did not ascend back up the rope,
but hiked back up.

There are many more, but I have too poor of an internet connection to
review them all.
But the general trend seems to be inexperienced cave enthusiast with helmet
cams filming in HD, unprepared for their cave trip, along with annoying
background sounds of the horrendous current pop music genre.    Many
YouTube uploaders of caving videos appear to be discombobulating all the
previous concepts of what a good caving video should be about.

David Locklear

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