The sooner the News is available in high rez PDF, the better. It is _long_ overdue. Higher quality and, most importantly, searchable. It's way past time to bring the publication up to the equivalent of LED lights and nylon replacing manila ropes and carbide lights. There are substantial savings to be had in printing and postage costs. Continuing to spend signifcant funds on a paper version borders on negligence when a far more economical production method exists.

Stephen Fleming

On 03/19/2013 17:26, Mimi Jasek wrote:
Excuse me? Cancel our printed magazine? I think not. Something like that would need to be voted on by all members. They can cut corners another way, for I personally read as little as possible on line. Besides, our printed library would suffer!

Mimi Jasek

Sent from my iPhone

On Mar 19, 2013, at 6:10 PM, Frank Binney < <>> wrote:

BOG proposal to end printed NSS News FYI to Texas Cavers:
There is apparently a proposal being presented at this Saturday’s NSS Board of Governor’s meeting to end delivery of the printed NSS News as part of your regular NSS membership. This news has generated considerable recent comment on the Western US caving lists, and has caught the NSS Editor by surprise (he hadn’t be informed of the pending proposal).
For more info, consult an NSS BOG member.
Frank NSS 10816F

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