I’ve been to many TSA Conventions.  This must rank as one of the very best.

Thanks, to Roger Moore and the many, many others who played important roles in 
making this event a great success.
Thanks to the many Texas cavers who attended in support of this gathering.
Very special thanks to Tom Summers, gracious owner of CWAN, for agreeing to 
host this Convention!  

The weather was cooperative and the venue was extraordinary.  I believe this 
was the best-behaved, most considerate audience for many years.  Those in 
attendance gave the presenters appropriate attention, rarely came and went 
during the programs, and generally refrained from inappropriately chatting with 
their neighbors.  If you read the foregoing and say, “well DUH,” think back to 
the horrible situation we had at Kerrville State Park a few years ago when 
those in the back of the room were repeatedly admonished to “settle down or 
take it outside.”

This year it was all good.  Thanks everyone!

===Carl Kunath

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