The date for the beach party is May 31, June 1st, and June 2nd.

I have a small cabin on the beach for those 3 days.

Other friends of mine in the NaturFest group have cabins rented also.

Here is a link:

This is the nicest beach in east Texas, except for 1 small problem.
There is
an enormous power plant about a 1/2 mile from the location.     They do not
vehicles on the beach or camp-fires.     It is pristine as you are going to
find in
this region.     The big deal is that the cabins are right behind the dunes
the waves, and the cabins are very nice and not too expensive.

You can camp in a tent, or maybe sleep on the floor in my cabin.

I should have the cabin to myself Sunday night, so anyone is welcome to stay
Sunday night in the cabin.

I would bet that we have a live musician perform some acoustic Mexican

We did this last year, and it was a success.

The location is about 20 minutes south of Freeport, Texas.

Google Map coordinates:   28.934153,-95.301536

David Locklear
281-995-8487 ( text-line )

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