Check out Fort Stockton to Van Horn, Texas  118+ miles

On Nov 4, 2012, at 10:41 AM, Mike Flannigan wrote:

Ah - the western states.  Where the concept of
distance has a whole different perspective.  If
somebody from NV tells you something is a pretty
good trek, you better listen.

Straight-line distances from Ely:

Ely to Baker Creek System - 39+ miles

Ely to Whipple Cave - 51+ miles

Ely to Leviathan Cave - 105+ miles


On 11/2/2012 1:49 PM, wrote:

I started caving in Nevada and I can attest to the arid climate and also low evening temperatures.

On a brighter note a number of of caves near Ely directly correlate to to several Texas classics for example:

Baker Creek System - This is the longest cave system in the state of Nevada, it is a river cave with an awesome mud slide and scalloped walls to admire. Aka Honey Creek.

Wipple(sp?) - this cave is a great introduction to verticle caving with a short (-150ish) entrance drop and a long borehole passage that extends roughly halfway through the cave until it nearly chokes and then the going gets a lil tougher. Aka Deep & Punkin Caves.

Leviathan - This cave is a monstrous collapse and is also a significant hike to get to and thinking about it I do not know of any caves in Texas which can really compare... On another note while hiking up to this cave you pass a large bomb which did not detonate when dropped by the airforce.

I make no claim that these caves will be open and or advertised during the Ely Convention I just thought I would give you all am idea that there is definitely a reason to get underground at this convention.


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